
Office Space Sought

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

Office Space Sought

General Services Administration

Official Address:
400 15th Street, SW Auburn WA 98001-6599

Zip Code:

Theodore Saibeni, Lease Contracting Officer, Phone 2539317854, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:
General Services Administration (GSA) is seeking expressions of interest to lease the following space:

Project No. 18-REG10-8OR2257
State: Oregon
City: Bend
Bend, OR, Delineated Area: CBA of Bend, Oregon, bounded as follows:
NORTH: NW Vermont Pl to NW Bond St to NW Greenwood Ave to NW Harriman St to NW Kearney
EAST: West boundary of Bend Parkway – Highway 97 to NW Irving Ave to NW Harriman St to NW Oregon Ave to NW Lava Rd
SOUTH: NW Kansas Ave to NW Bond St to NW Louisiana Ave to NW Wall St to NW Kansas Ave
WEST: NW Broadway to the east shore of Mirror Pond to NW Vermont PL
Minimum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 2,700 Usable / Approx. 3,105 Rentable SF
Maximum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 2,950 Usable / Approx. 3,400 Rentable SF

Space Type: Office
Parking Spaces (Total): 5 Reserved & Secured
Full Term: 15 years
Firm Term: 5 years
Option Term: 5 years
Additional Requirements:
1. Contiguous office space is required.
2. The entrances to / exits from the offered space shall not be within 1,000 feet of, or line of site to, the following: drug-free zone of school/park/day-care boundary; residential/hoteling/shopping centers or arenas; areas where drug activities are prevalent.
3. Offers of space located near probation and/or parole services, halfway houses, drug abuse counseling / rehabilitation programs and similar social service agencies and welfare-type programs, as well as private law firms representing drug offenders may be deemed unacceptable and rejected by the Government in its discretion.
4. Agency cannot be co-located with other Federal, State, local government agencies or private firms whose primary clientele are involved in or have ties to criminal elements.
5. Offers of ground-level / first-floor space deemed unacceptable by agency physical security unit may be rejected by the Government in its discretion.
6. Conditions applicable to offers of ground-level / first-floor space:
a. No retail tenants in an offered multi-tenant building.
b. Building shall be set back not less than 20 feet from all sidewalks, access streets, parking lots, adjoining streets.
c. Offer shall include fencing meeting tenant’s specifications at lessor’s expense.
d. Blast film to be installed at lessor’s expense if agency determines such film is required based on agency’s risk/vulnerability assessment of the property.
7. If the proposed space is multi-tenant and multi-story, at least one elevator shall be controlled by a card reader type system for the sole use of the Government. Such elevator will be provided from the secure parking level/area with elevator exits to both the visitor entry and a secure processing area.
8. Multi-tenant and multi-story buildings with ground level / under-building drive-through uses such as banks, restaurants, etc., where vehicles can easily access the drive-through may be rejected by the Government in its discretion.
9. Parking: acceptability of secure garage and/or surface parking will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Parking deemed unacceptable by agency physical security unit may result in the offer being rejected by the Government in its discretion.
10. Although tenant’s regular work hours are 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, 24-hour access to the space (and elevator if offered space located on 2nd floor or above) shall be available 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
11. Please provide current seismic condition / certification of the building and/or construction code type, code year and year built or year of latest major renovation.
12. The Government shall have the right to mount antenna equipment on the roof of the offered building.
13. Contemplated improvements shall include fragment retention film on all exterior glass surfaces; and, for windows within 18 feet from the ground level or accessible platforms (i.e., air conditioners, fire stairs, adjacent roofs, ledges or windows), lessor shall provide forced entry protection and office intrusion detection systems as set forth in the lease and related documents.
14. Where tenant space adjoins that of other building tenants or public areas, the perimeter walls of the tenant space shall be constructed slab-to-slab in accordance with the lease and related documents.
15. Specialized Space: This space will be occupied by a law enforcement agency and will require specialized spaces, including, but not limited to (for example): interview rooms, weapons & ammunition storage, laboratories, evidence storage and processing, specialized communications.

Offered space must meet Government requirements for fire safety, accessibility (ABAAS), seismic, and sustainability standards per the terms of the Lease. A fully serviced lease is required. Offered space shall not be in the 100 year flood plain.

Expressions of interest must include the following information:

● Building name and address and location of the available space within the building;
● Rentable square feet available and expected rental rate per rentable square foot, fully-serviced;
● ANSI/BOMA office are (ABOA) square feet to be offered and expected rental rate per ABOA square foot, fully-serviced. Indicate whether the quoted rental rates includes an amount for tenant improvements and state the amount (if any);
● Date of space availability;
● Building ownership information;
● Amount of parking available on-site and its cost. Include whether expected rental rate includes the cost of the required Government parking;
● Energy-efficiency and renewable energy features existing within the building;
● List of building services provided.

Please reference Project No. 8OR2257 in the subject line of all e-mail correspondence related to this project.

Expressions of Interest Due: February 6, 2018
Market Survey (Estimated): 3rd Qtr 2018
Occupancy (Estimated): 4th Qtr CY 2019

Send Expressions of Interest to:
Name/Title: Lorae Schin / Lease Contracting Specialist
Address: 400 15th Street SW
Auburn, WA 98001
Email Address:

Government Contact
Lease Contracting Officer Ted Saibeni
Leasing Specialist Lorae Schin


Response Date:

Sol Number:


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