
Passive Fire Protection Framework

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: Passive Fire Protection Framework
Client name: LHC on behalf of the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)~25037602
Site address: Livingston, Lothian, EH54
Value: GBP 20000000
Start date: 03/07/2019
Region: Scotland
Sector: Social Housing,


Planning stage: Plans Approved, Planning Not Required
Contract stage: Contract Awarded, Start On Site

Project Information:

Development type: Refurbishment
Funding type: Private
Council name:
Application number:
Application date:
Published: 19/08/2019
Last updated: 19/08/2019
Project ID: 19286146

Latest information: This Framework agreement has commenced for a period of 4 years

Tender information: Work has commenced on site.

Scheme description: Scheme comprises provision of fire safety for life safety, property, environmental and asset protection. The scope of this framework includes: inspection, installation, repair and maintenance of fire and security doors, doorsets, shutters, passive and active smoke/fire barriers, and escape route signage. The scope includes the design, installation, administration and management of all works including specialist sub-contractors. Our clients have various building types from simple to complex buildings, properties with sleeping accommodation, and public buildings, across a large geographical area.
Lot No: 1 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM5 â�� North Eastern Scotland
Lot No: 2 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM6 â�� Highlands and Islands
Lot No: 3 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM7 â�� East Scotland
Lot No: 4 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM8 â�� West Central Scotland
Lot No: 5 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM9 â�� Southern Scotland
Lot No: 6 – FS1-P Passive Fire Protection â�� UKM â�� Scotland Super Lot

Planning description: Planning approval is not required.

Client: LHC Building Components, Unit 6, Deer Park Avenue, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01506 894395.
Main Contractor: Checkmate Fire Solutions, Floor 2, Rosemount Estate, Rosemount Ho, Huddersfield Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01422 376436. Website: Email:
Main Contractor: OpenView Security Solutions Ltd, OpenView House, Chesham Close, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0845 071 9110. Website:
Main Contractor: Novus Property Solutions Ltd, Unit 3a, Inchmuir Road, Whitehill Industrial Estate, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01506 637637.
Main Contractor: C L C Contractors, Unit 3, Vincent Avenue, Shirley, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 023 8070 1111. Website: Email:
Main Contractor: Global HSE Solutions Ltd, The Old Mill, Canalside Industrial Estate, Cropwell Bishop, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0115 989 9800. Website:
Main Contractor: Propertyserve UK Ltd, Fagnall Farm Barns, Fagnall Lane, Winchmore Hill, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 08452 573020. Website: Email:
Additional information: This contract has been advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union. The OJEU reference(s) are 2019/S 032-070915 and 2019/S 145-356119

Sector categories: Social Housing



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