Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Poland
Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: Sd Rejonowy w Kwidzynie , krajowy numer identyfikacyjny 32185600000 , ul. Pl. Plebiscytowy 1 , 82500 Kwidzyn , woj. pomorskie , pastwo Polska.Tel: 55 262 45 40. Fax: 55 279 22 17. Email: srkwidzyn@kwidzyn.sr.gov.pl.
Object of the contract
Sad Rejonowy w Kwidzynie
Provision of physical protection services for persons and property of the District Court in Kwidzyn
CPV: 79710000
Administrative Information
01/PZP/SR/2018, 507958-N-2018
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 29.1.2018 (10:00:00)
Other Information
The summary of this contract has been created using automated translation software. BiP Solutions does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies contained therein. The full text of the notice in its native language is available from the following Website: