
How poor cyber security can damage your reputation

The latest major cyber attack has left millions of customers’ details exposed.

The UK media has reported that Dixons Carphone has lost around 6 million customer bank card details and over a million personal data records in a cyber security breach that took place in 2017 but was apparently not discovered until last week.

This latest attack has shown how poor cyber security will not only cost your business financially but it will damage your business reputation in the long run.

Find out more about the latest attack below.


Dixons Carphone Cyber Attack

Dixons Carphone has admitted that the business is at fault and has said that it has “fallen short” when it comes to the protection of their data.

The investigation into the attack has found that hackers accessed personal data such as name, address or email details. Over 1.2 million customer records have been exposed. In addition, the hackers accessed 6 million card details.

At the moment there is no evidence to suggest that fraud has been committed with these details, most of which were protected by chip and pin. The company has stated that it will be contacting all those affected by the cyber attack.

Dixons Carphone chief executive Alex Baldock has apologised on behalf on the business saying that the company is “extremely disappointed and sorry for any upset this may cause”.

The announcement of this attack comes just months after Dixons Carphone was fined over a cyber security breach in 2015, worsening the potential reputational damage to the company


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Protect your business

The latest attack is a reminder for businesses of all sizes to improve their cyber security.

Cyber Essentials certification is one way that your business can protect its data and its reputation. Businesses that are certified can promote their products and services as cyber secure – something which is incredibly important in the current climate. Cyber Essentials protects against 80% of common threats.

If you are bidding for MOD contracts, Cyber Essentials certification is incredibly important  as it is mandated by the MOD to bid for MOD contracts.

Cyber Essentials is available to purchase via the DCI website.


Learn more about Cyber Essentials

If you would like to learn more about Cyber Essentials, download our free Cyber Essentials Scheme Summary.

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