
Portugal-Lisbon: Research and experimental development services

Type of document: Pre-information procedures
Country: Portugal
OJEU Ref: (2017/S 087-170832/EN)
Nature of contract: Service contract
Procedure: Not applicable
Regulation of procurement: EU
Type of bid required: Not applicable

Prior information notice without call for competition
Directive 2004/18/EC
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1) Name addresses and contact point(s):
Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM)
Rua Alfredo Magalhães Ramalho, 6
Postal code: 1495-006
For the attention of: Sandra Silva
Phone: +35 1218291001
Internet Address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
I.2) Type of the contracting authority:
Body governed by public law
I.3) Main activity:
OTHER: maritime environment, surveillance and security
I.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities:
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: Yes
Ministerio del Interior (GUCI)
calle Guzmán el Bueno, 110
Postal code: 28003
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Avenue Athens – Sounio, 46,7km, Attiki
Postal code: 190 13
Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT)
Rua do Mercado 21
Ponta Delgada
Postal code: 9500-326
Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)
Flathauggata 12
Postal code: 5523

Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services):
II.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity:
Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to bridge Innovative Downstream Earth Observation (EO) and Copernicus enabled Services for Integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security — MARINE-EO.
II.2) Type of contract and place of delivery or of performance:
Service category: 8 Research and development services
II.3) Information on framework agreement:
The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement:YES
II.4) Short description of nature and quantity or value of suppliers or services:
This PIN announces an open market consultation and provides information at an early stage on the expected starting date and purchase volume for the MARINE-EO pre-commercial procurement (PCP) which seeks to establish EO-based services covering sea-basins of Mediterranean, Atlantic and Arctic adapting Copernicus data and information on the Marine Environment in order to meet the demand of the procurers in the thematic areas of Marine monitoring and Maritime Security. MARINE-EO overall idea is the use of PCP schema in the development of innovative beyond the-state-of the art downstream applications which meet the demand of maritime authorities and stakeholders leveraging on the existing Copernicus Services and other products from the Copernicus portfolio.
The aim of this procurement is to trigger new solutions to be developed and tested to address the following common challenge: develop, test and validate a bundle of Copernicus-based services bringing incremental or radical innovations in the field of maritime awareness accompanied with ‘support’ services that will standardize the way EO are used for maritime awareness in regards of operational, technological, semantic and legal interoperability issues. The majority of the R&D work done in the PCP will be located in EU and H2020 Associated Countries.
The selected operators will retain ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPRs) that they generate during the PCP and will be able to use them to exploit the full market potential of the developed solutions i.e. beyond the buyers group (Public Authorities and Policy makers and other research institutes).
The ownership of the IPRs will be subject to the following:
— the members of the buyers group and the EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies have the right to access results, on a royalty-free basis, for their own use and grant (or to require the contractors to grant) non-exclusive licences to third parties to exploit the results under fair and reasonable conditions (without the right to sub-license);
— the contractors will have to transfer ownership of the IPRs to the members of the buyers group if they fail to comply with their obligation to commercially exploit the results within a given period as identified in the contract or use the results to the detriment of the public interests, including security interests.
The procurement will be divided into the following lots:
Lot 1: Copernicus Thematic Area 1 Marine Environment Monitoring and Climate Change
Lot 2: Copernicus Thematic Area 2 Maritime Security
The procurement will be carried out jointly by the following organisations (the buyers group): Direção-Geral de Política do Mar (DGPM), Ministerio del Interior (GUCI), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Fundo Regional Para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT) and Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA), (see ). DGPM will act as the lead procurer and will coordinate the joint procurement in the name and on behalf of the other organisations.
The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to R&D providers in parallel in a phased approach. This will make it possible to compare competing alternative solutions. Each selected operator will be awarded a framework agreement that covers three R&D phases: solution design, prototyping, original development and validation and testing of a limited set of first products or services. After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best-value-for-money solutions will be offered a specific contract for the next phase.
Testing is expected to take place in Marine-EO partners’ premises and other places where mandatory evaluation is foreseen to be carried out. This testing may also serve as a first customer test reference for the contractors.
The procurement procedure is expected to start in January 2018 and the tender in June 2018 ending in August 2020.
In preparation for this PCP, all interested operators are invited to take part in an open market consultation (regardless of their geographic location, the size or governance structure of their organisation). The open market consultation will provide an overview on the procurement objectives, the PCP process and the main clauses of the contract. It will be held in English.
The purpose of this PIN is to:
1) Creates awareness and knowledge about the project among relevant bidders.
2) Allows the consortium to gain better insights on the market, such as the state-of-the-art technology and future developments.
3) Engage the market stakeholders in the procurement preparation phase in order to increase the probability of a successful procurement procedure.
Upcoming important dates are:
— 12.5.2017 — Request for Information — will be published a market consultation questionnaire — available on the website
— 12.7.2017 — Industrial Day workshop in Lisbon, Portugal where interested suppliers are requested to register on the following link:
Publication of questions and answers (‘Q&A’) on the website: open market consultation must be shared also with other potentially interested bidders.
More information:
Project website:
Section on PCP on the Europa website ().
Estimated value excluding VAT: 2 769 106 EUR
The contract is divided into lots: Yes. Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots
II.5) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
73100000, 22114300, 32534000, 35631200, 60651300, 71354000, 71354100, 71354200, 71354500, 72310000, 72316000, 72319000, 73000000, 73112000, 75000000, 90733000, 90741000, 90741100, 32533000, 34712200, 63724000, 63726200, 64200000, 64216110, 64216210, 63712710
II.6) Scheduled date for start of award procedures:
Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 31.05.2018
II.7) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): NO
II.8) Additional information:

Information about lots

Lot No: 1; Lot title: Thematic Area 1 — Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring and Climate Change downstream services (SATOCEAN)
1) Short description: The Thematic Area 1 Marine Monitoring seeks to provide innovative and useful downstream Earth Observation and Copernicus enabled Services for an integrated maritime environment addressing the demand of the end-users and contributing to the environmental policies, national regulations and international conventions.
2) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
3) Quantity or scope:
SATOCEAN aims to provide solutions for(i) Ocean biotic and abiotic parameters, climatological information and historical statistics;(ii) Regular monitoring of Marine Protected Areas;(iii) Detection of vessels and icebergs in Arctic areas;(iv) Fish farm monitoring and as an optional feature service the ‘Pelagic fisheries support information’.SATOCEAN shall incorporate and integrate all the services in one single and user friendly platform. The solution should not be limited in the design of the optimal solution, but considering all aspects of data collection, data acquisition, data preparation including data pre-processing, fusion of diverse data, value-added processing algorithms in marine monitoring domain (e.g. primary production, separate information layers for PIC-POC-CDOM), product interpretation and dissemination to contribute to Copernicus Regulation (377/2014), Integrated Maritime Policy (1255/2011), and INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council).An initial list of possible data, methods and models that SATOCEAN could integrate are:— Both Radar and Optical data and approaches that integrate satellite images and in situ measurements such as for biophysical parameters estimation.— Methods such as unsupervised classifications, supervised and knowledge-based classifications, pixel-based and object oriented classifications, multivariate alteration detection, SAR Signature analysis, 2-D continuous wavelet technique, and models such as Inversion algorithms, forecast models (e.g. ECMWF model), geophysical model functions (e.g. CMOD4, CMOD-Ifremer, CMOD5), gradient method model (GM), fusion methods for in situ and satellite data.The above listed features should not be understood as a list of requirements or final list of functions for the solution. The aim of the feature list is the initiation of the discussion in the open market consultation and to assess the currently available solutions.It is open to the suppliers the possibility to propose additional features in the tender application if appropriate.
4) Indication about different date for start of award procedures and/or duration of contract:
Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 31.05.2018
Starting: 01.06.2018
Ending: 31.08.2020
5) Additional information about lots:

Lot No: 2; Lot title: Thematic Area 2 — Copernicus Maritime Security downstream service (SATSURVEILLANCE)
1) Short description: The Copernicus Thematic Area 2 Maritime Security seeks to provide innovative Downstream Earth Observation and Copernicus enabled Services for surveillance and security contributing to the development of EUROSUR regulation by providing services in response to Europe’s security challenges in the domain of Border and Maritime Surveillance.
2) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
3) Quantity or scope:
SATSURVEILLANCE aims to provide solutions for:(i) Identification and characterization of unusual/irregular activity detection around critical infrastructure;(ii) Change detection of features based on preliminary scanning of the AOI and activity reporting through the selection and characterization of the features of interest.SATSURVEILLANCE shall deliver a complete service that must consider all aspects of data collection planning, data acquisition, data preparation including data pre-processing (e.g. co-registration, calibration), value-added processing algorithms (e.g. interferometric coherence, coefficient of variation, digital elevation), product interpretation and dissemination to contribute to the development of EUROSUR regulation by providing services in response to Europe’s security challenges in the domain of Border Security.An initial list of possible features that SatSurveillance could integrate are:— Optical and multi-spectral methods, such as unsupervised, supervised and knowledge-based classification algorithms, pixel-based and object oriented recognition approaches, multivariate alteration detection, hyper-spectral algorithms and methodologies that deal with changes between optical images and existing vector data, man-made object recognition, crowd-sourcing features extraction, etc.— Radar methods, such as constant false-alarm rate detection, interferometric coherence, adaptive filtering, multi-channel segmentation, polarimetric enhanced detection, hybrid methods and coherent detection, edge detection and features extraction, incoherent change detection, MTC and classification, radargrammetric digital modelling, SAR Signature analysis, etc.The above listed features should not be understood as a list of requirements or final list of functions for the solution. The aim of the feature list is the initiation of the discussion in the open market consultation and to assess the currently available solutions.It is open to the suppliers the possibility to propose additional features in the tender application if appropriate.
4) Indication about different date for start of award procedures and/or duration of contract:
Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 31.05.2018
Starting: 01.06.2018
Ending: 31.08.2020
5) Additional information about lots:

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1) Conditions relating to the contract:
III.1.1) Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
III.2) Conditions for participation:
III.2.1) Information about reserved contracts:

Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1) Information about European Union funds:
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: yes.
This procurement is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement number 730098 MARINE-EO. The EU is however not participating as a contracting authority in this procurement.
VI.2) Additional information:
This PIN is an indication only of potential future procurement activity and is not a commitment to procure. The competitive phase of the public procurement procedure is conducted separately after the open market consultation and all potential bidders are treated equally.
The pre-commercial procurement is exempted from Directives 2004/18 and 2004/1710 and the national laws that implement them.
VI.3) Information on general regulatory framework:
VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice: 03.05.2017


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