Webinar Series for Bid Support

When engaging in public sector tendering, it is crucial to continuously expand your knowledge and stay updated with the latest information.

Alongside a comprehensive understanding of the rules and regulations governing public sector procurement, Defence Contracts International’s (DCI) team of consultants possesses extensive expertise across all market aspects and the tendering process.

Guidance from the Industry Leaders


Online educational resources – By subscribing to Defence Contracts International, you gain access to a range of webinars designed to equip you with comprehensive insights into the tendering process.

The webinar series consists of three chapters:
  1. Introduction to Public Procurement.
  2. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Tendering.
  3. The Significance of Buyer Engagement.
This will give you insight on the procurement system and processes:
  • Discover the structure of the public sector procurement system
  • Enhance your bid’s prospects of success
  • Acquire invaluable knowledge concerning current laws and regulations