
Project Final Evaluation Consultant – Short Deadline

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: Care International UK. Web: , SE1 7TP.
Object of the contract
BRACED Project Final Evaluation.
In January 2015 CARE International secured DFID funding from the “Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)” programme for a period of three years. This BRACED project, “Project de la Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger” (PRESENCES) worked in the Tillabéry region in seven departments and 12 rural communes, to reach an estimated target population of over 400,000 people. The GBP 3.9 million project is led by CARE International UK and is implemented by CARE Niger, TREE AID and national civil society organisations AREN and MOREEBEN.
As the PRESENCES project draws to a close, we wish to carry out a final evaluation to identify the key achievements and the lessons that can be learned from the programme.
Key Outputs
Applicants are invited to submit tenders to conduct a final evaluation and final evaluation report (50 pages). The evaluation will require analysis of quantitative data collected by the project, as well as the collection of qualitative data, in order to assess and demonstrate the extent to which the project has been able to build the resilience of women and men in the targeted communities. In particular:
To provide evidence-based information on performance of the project against the intervention logic and existing project and programme indicators.
To assess the project’s efficiency, effectiveness, and validity of design/relevance of the project.To assess how the project ensured inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised communities and engaged with affected population and communities.
To assess the sustainability of the outcomes of the project, beyond the project lifetime.
To document lessons learned and provide evidence-based recommendations for similar future interventions.
The successful evaluator, in discussion with CARE, will also be invited to produce 1-2 learning briefs that could be developed drawing from the evaluation analysis. These will be produced as stand-alone documents tailored for the wider audience of the development sector and donors. They should highlight innovative learning from the project that could contribute to the wider understanding of increasing resilience among populations who are highly vulnerable to climate risks.
Key Requirements
Applicants must be able to demonstrate:
Understanding of the requirements and of evaluating the impact of resilience programmes.
A clear and costed approach to delivering this evaluation, including composition of the evaluation team.
Expertise and experience in the field of developing tools for and carrying out final evaluations.
Experience in the area of resilience or livelihoods. Experience and understanding of gender issues relating to resilience.
Capacity to work effectively in Niger and have a strong understanding and experience of the Nigerien development/humanitarian context.
Fluency in French and English is essential.
CPV: 79419000, 73210000, 73110000
Administrative Information
Tenders must be received by 29.10.2017
For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
Other Information
Tenders should include:
A proposal document (max. 7 pages) detailing:
Your understanding of the requirements and of evaluating the impact of resilience programmes.
Your proposed approach in delivering this evaluation, including composition of your team.
The level of your effort required (person-days) and personnel involved.
Work plan (please provide a Gantt chart or equivalent table of weekly intervals)
Detailed line item budget.
Please include a breakdown of all fees and costs (including estimated per diems and international travel if required – travel within Niger will be supported by the CARE Niger team.)
Your expertise and experience in the field of developing tools for and carrying out final evaluations; your experience in the area of resilience or livelihoods; your experience in the region (Francophone West Africa/The Sahel); your experience and understanding of gender issues relating to resilience; and at least two relevant examples of similar pieces of work.
CVs of the evaluation lead and key staff to be involved (to be annexed).
At least two relevant examples of similar pieces of work (to be annexed).


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