Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom
Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge Group (the University and its two major trading departments, Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press). Web: (Elizabeth Curry), CB2 1TN.
Object of the contract
As a public authority under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the awarding authority needs to appoint a statutory Data Protection Officer (DPO) to the standards of, and to perform the tasks set out in, Articles 37-39 of the GDPR.
The awarding authority has chosen to fulfil this requirement through a service contract.
The three parts of the University Group each employ a nominated member of staff to manage all operational data protection functions within their part of the Group (here termed Data Protection Practitioners, DPPs). The DPPs liaise between themselves on specific matters as appropriate but largely operate independently from each other. In addition, staff in various other offices across the three parts of the Group (e.g. information security managers) fulfil some operational functions related to data protection.
CPV: 79200000
Administrative Information
UCAM 093/17
Date documents can be requested until 3.5.2018 (12:00:00)
For further information on the above contract please visit Web:
Other Information