
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI)/SOURCES SOUGHT – Shipboard Passive/Augmented Detection and Evaluation (SPADE) Electro-Optic and Infrared (EO/IR) Requirements

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI)/SOURCES SOUGHT – Shipboard Passive/Augmented Detection and Evaluation (SPADE) Electro-Optic and Infrared (EO/IR) Requirements

Department of the Navy

Official Address:
300 Highway 361
Building 3373 Crane IN 47522-5001

Zip Code:

Mark Burgener , Email – Jennifer Shepherd , Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:

This RFI is hereby amended to extend the closing date to 7 September 2018 and to provide questions and industry responses to the RFI.

Questions received:
Can NSWC Crane provide guidance on preferred modeling parameters?
These parameters would include:
1.) Standard target sizes and critical dimensions for the targets listed in section 1.0 of attachment 1?
2.) Standard MWIR temperature differential and/or visible band reflectivity for the targets listed in section 1.0 of attachment 1?
3.) V50 criteria for each target for Detection, Recognition and Identification
4.) Atmospheric conditions to use for an at sea scenario (Model environment, aerosol model, Cn2, Light source, and Sky-to-ground ratio (SGR)?
5.) Height of sensor above Sea Level?

Response: Refer to the draft DPC manual, which generally covers most of the targets to include Large, Mid, and Small Surface Vessels, Aircraft, partial submerged objects, and human activity, as well as the .tp5 file parameters for atmospherics. In addition, there is direction for display parameters. For the sensor height, since this is for surface ships, assume between 30′ and 150′ off of the water depending on ship class. Vendor may need to make some assumptions on targets such as scaling size of other targets and applying similar target contrasts from open source papers, or using internal knowledge of the targets in question. All assumptions made shall be documented and provided with submission to the subject RFI. Responses shall include all Night Vision Integrated Performance Model (NV-IPM) input files.

Various publications are available that cover legacy V50s include the following:
• Performance of Infrared Systems in Swimmer Detection for Maritime Security (Krapels, Driggers, Garcia)
• Experimental Determination of Visibility Modeling Parameters for Aircraft (Boettcher, Maurer, Murril, Miller)
• Small Craft Identification Discrimination Criteria (N50 and V50) for Visible and Infrared Sensors in Maritime Security (Krapels, Deaver, Driggers)
• Small Craft ID Criteria (N50/V50) for Short Wave Infrared Sensors in Maritime Security (Krapels, Driggers, Larson, Garcia, Walden)

The publication Current Target Acquisition Methodology in Force on Force Simulations (Hixson, Miller, Mazz) covers new V50s.

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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