
RFP PRC-2018-3 -SAA RFP 20180621_POSTED

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

RFP PRC-2018-3 -SAA RFP 20180621_POSTED

Postal Regulatory Commission

Official Address:
901 New York Avenue NW
Suite 200 Washington DC 20001

Zip Code:

Mr. Stacy Ruble, Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer, Phone 202-789-6800, Fax 202-789-6891, Email – Shawn Sanders, Financial/Contract Specialist, Phone 202-789-6853, Fax 202-789-6891, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:




Washington, DC 20268-0001

Office of the Secretary


Request for Proposal (RFP)
Cybersecurity Services: Security Assessment & Authorization-to-Operate (SA&A)









RFP number: PRC-2018-3
Date: 6/21/2018 
1. Introduction and Background 4
2. Objective 4
3. Scope 5
4. Tasks 5
5. Disclaimer 5
6. Confidentiality 6
7. Security Assessment & Authorization 6
7.1. Skills, Qualifications, and Special Requirements 6
7.2. Disclosure 6
7.3. Qualifications 6
7.4. Timeline 6
8. Deliverables Guideline 7
8.1. Ongoing Status Reports 7
8.2. Date due: 120 days from Contract Execution 7
9. Assistance from the Commission 7
10. Place of Performance 7
11. Quality Control 7
12. Commission Rights 8
13. Contract Type, Period of Agreement, and Expected Terms 8
13.1 Labor Hours 8
13.2 Payment for Unauthorized Work 8
13.3 Disclosure of Information 8
13.4 Limited Use of Data 9
13.5 Government Furnished Information and Equipment 9
13.6 Travel 9
13.7 Additional Contract Terms 9
13.8 Technical and Documentation Requirements: 9
14. Proposal Format and Submission Instructions 10
14.1 Accurate and Complete Information: 10
14.2 Required Format for Proposal 10
14.3 Documents Required with Proposal: 10
14.4 The following items and/or questions should be addressed in your response: 10
14.5 Failure to Adhere to Instructions: 11
15. Proposal Evaluation Criteria 11
16. Commission and Contractor Support 11
17. Due Date for Proposal 11
18. Meetings and Discussions 12
19. Questions 12
20. Commission Contract Personnel 12
21. Schedule 12
22. Appendices 13
Appendix 1 – Organizational Chart 13
Appendix 2 – Vendor Information 14
Appendix 3 – Client References 15

1. Introduction and Background
The Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) is an independent agency that has exercised regulatory oversight over the Postal Service since its creation by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, with expanded responsibilities under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006. The Commission promotes high quality universal mail service for the American people by ensuring Postal Service transparency, accountability, and compliance with the law, particularly on its rates, product offerings, service quality, and competition as a government entity. The Commission is the primary regulator of the Postal Service and provides analyses on postal financial operations to Congress, stakeholders, and the general public. The Commission’s job of regulating the Postal Service, the nation’s second largest civilian employer, which is currently facing significant financial challenges, could not be more important than it is now. The Commission is composed of five Commissioners, each of whom is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for a term of six years.
Assisting the Commission is a staff with expertise in law, economics, finance, statistics, and cost accounting. The Commission is organized into four operating offices:
• Office of Accountability and Compliance (OAC)
• Office of the General Counsel (OGC)
• Office of Public Affairs and Government Relations (PAGR)
• Office of the Secretary and Administration (OSA)
The Commission maintains an independent office for its Inspector General.
OAC (39 CFR 3002.12) is responsible for technical analysis and formulation of policy recommendations for the Commission in both domestic and international matters. It provides the analytic support for Commission review of rate changes, negotiated service agreements, classifications of new products, post office closings, amendments to international postal treaties and conventions, among other issues.
The General Counsel (39 CFR 3002.13) directs and coordinates the functions of the OGC and is directly responsible for the counseling and advisory services set forth in 39 CFR 3000.735-102. In accordance with 3001.8 of the rules of practice, the General Counsel does not appear as an attorney in hearings in any proceeding before the Commission and takes no part in the preparation of evidence or argument presented in such hearings.
PAGR (39 CFR 3002.15) serves as the public face of the Commission. As such, it is the Commission’s primary resource in support of public outreach and education, media relations, and relationships with Congress, the United States Postal Service, and other government agencies. PAGR provides information for consumers and responds to their inquiries; informal complaints regarding individual rate and service inquiries are referred to the Consumer Advocate of the Postal Service. PAGR staff also work closely with members of Congress and their staff.
OSA (39 CFR 3002.11) provides management and staff support to the Commission’s operational offices (including the Office of Inspector General), the Commission’s strategic plan, and various initiatives of the Executive Branch. OSA ensures that the Commission has the physical, financial, technological and human capital infrastructure needed to accomplish its mission. The effort led by OSA provides financial management, records management, administrative and organizational support, planning and human capital resources for the Commission.
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) (39 CFR 3002.16) was established in June, 2007, as required by an amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978 included in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-435 sec. 605).
2. Objective
The purpose of this SOW is for the OSA to procure contracting services to conduct an independent assessment of the Commission’s General Support System (GSS). This includes the Security Assessment & Authorization (SA&A, formerly Certification and Accreditation (C&A)) activities, which are performed in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines, address information security throughout the lifecycle of a system, and ensure adequate documentation to allow the Authorization to Operate (ATO) for the system.

3. Scope
The Commission requires contracting services to conduct an independent assessment of the Commission’s GSS. This includes the SA&A activities, which are performed in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines, address information security throughout the lifecycle of a system, and ensure adequate documentation to allow the ATO for the system, based on best practices in accordance with applicable guidance and regulations.
The Commission’s GSS is currently rated moderate, according to the FIPS 199 criticality rating. The GSS system is required to be in compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130 and Appendix III, Management of Federal Information Resources; OMB Memorandum 04-04, E-Authentication Guidance for Federal Agencies; OMB Memorandum 06-16, Protection of Sensitive Agency Information; Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) 2014, 44 U.S.C. §§ 3541-3549; Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mandates and directives; National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publications (NIST SP).

The GSS is the Commission’s document, dockets, and records management system, consisting of approximately 100 workstations (various thin clients and personal computers (PCs), 30 Microsoft (MS) Windows Servers (2008 & 2012), MS Security Center, MS Active Directory, MS Exchange, Cisco Catalyst Switches and ASA Firewalls, and two external website servers.
4. Tasks
The contractor shall provide final documentation and deliverables in verbal, written and electronic format (as appropriate), and shall provide weekly written progress/status reports. The reports will be required to reference and support the progress on each the following Security Assessment items:

a. Conduct a complete SA&A for the Commission’s GSS system to include:
i. System Security Plan (update);
ii. Business Impact Analysis (review and make recommendations);
iii. Risk Assessment;
iv. Contingency Plan;
v. Incident Response Plan;
vi. Security Test and Evaluation (Plan and Results);
vii. Continuous Monitoring Plan;
viii. Plan of Action and Milestones;
ix. Certification Statement; and
x. ATO Letter.
b. Develop corrective action plans in conjunction with the Commission’s IT Manager for Plan of
Action and Milestones (POA&M) remediation activities;
c. Provide recommendations and updates to the Commission’s Cybersecurity policies, processes, and
procedures, as directed by the Commission’s IT Manager;
d. Review and provide recommendations and updates to Privacy Threshold Assessments (PTAs),
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), and System of Records Notices (SORNs).
e. Penetration and data exfiltration test – Evaluate the security of the Commission’s IT infrastructure
by safely trying to exploit vulnerabilities and remove data in order to test response
capabilities. NOTE: Provide separate pricing for this task.

5. Disclaimer
Offerors are advised that the Commission will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFP; all costs associated with responding to this RFP will be incurred solely at the interested party’s expense.
The Commission reserves the right to contact any respondent to this notice for the sole purpose of enhancing Commission’s understanding of the responder’s proposal. The content of any responses to this RFP may be reflected in any subsequent solicitations.

6. Confidentiality
All information included in responses to this RFP are confidential and only for the use of the Commission. No information included in offeror proposals or in discussions connected to this RFP may be disclosed to any other party outside the Commission without the written consent of the offeror.
7. Security Assessment & Authorization
The ultimate goal of this project is to conduct an independent assessment of the Commission’s GSS. This includes the SA&A activities, which are performed in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines, address information security throughout the lifecycle of a system, and ensure adequate documentation to allow the ATO for the system.
To achieve this goal, the Commission has outlined the requirements for the following areas:
7.1. Skills, Qualifications, and Special Requirements
The contractor is required to be familiar with the Federal environment, as well as the laws and regulations
governing cybersecurity in the Federal Government.

The contractor must also demonstrate thorough knowledge and experience with the following:
a. Proficiency in implementation and management of cybersecurity-related projects for the Federal
government. Personnel must have experience with security principles in relation to information
technology risk management, vulnerability management, privacy assessments, and contingency
b. Experience in developing SA&A deliverables (including System Security Plans, Security Test & Evaluation Plans, Risk Assessments, Contingency Plans, Business Impact Analysis, etc.) on major systems using current revisions of NIST 800-37 guidelines (NIST 800-18, 800-26, 800-53, and more).
c. Expertise in conducting assessments using NIST 800-53 (current revision), including testing technical controls using tools and manual audits, and conducting penetration testing on systems.
d. Expertise in applying standards and guidance from National Institute of Standard Special Publications (NIST SP), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Clinger-Cohen, Patriot Act, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-130, and security guidance related to privacy, (e.g., PTAs, PIAs, and SORNs.)
e. Proficiency with enterprise cybersecurity tools, such as Tenable Security Center, etc.
f. Public Trust clearance required. Background check will be performed after the award of the Contract
g. Contractor should have at least one IA-related certification, for example: Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Authorization Professional (CAP), or Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) Systems and Network Auditor (GSNA).
7.2. Disclosure
The contractor must disclose all current and previous work performed for USPS or any other federal agency. The contractor must disclose any pending negotiations for professional engagements with USPS or other federal agencies, apart from this SOW.
7.3. Qualifications
The contractor shall provide a description of qualifications, proposed work methods, an estimate of the length of time and schedule needed to complete the project, the total cost of the project, and the basis for the calculation.
7.4. Timeline
The contractor shall acknowledge that if selected to provide professional services pursuant to this SOW, all work will be conducted with the understanding that time is of the essence in meeting the contractual deadline and that no extension of the deadline will be allowed.
8. Deliverables Guideline
This section is the deliverable guideline for this project. At this time, we anticipate a work plan to include all the items listed below. However, the vendor’s work/task plan to implement the scope of work is at the discretion of the vendor and should be included as part of your capabilities. Acceptance of the proposed deliverables is subject to the approval of the Commission.
8.1. Ongoing Status Reports
Provide onging Status Reports. The Status Reports will include:

a. A description of the milestones and activities inprocess, completed, an/or delayed; for all tasks assigned by the Contracting Officer’s Technincal Representative (COTR).
b. The progress reports must identify challenges and risks.
c. The reports are to be provided electronically to the COTR and Contracting Officer (CO) on a weekly basis (every Friday) until the contract is fully executed.
8.2. Date due: 120 days from Contract Execution
Provide final documents from the assessment and results of the SA&A. Final documents will include the reports, plans, and policy, such as the following:

a. Develop corrective action plans in conjunction with the Commission’s IT Manager for Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) remediation activities;
b. Provide recommendations and updates to the Commission’s Cybersecurity policies, processes, and procedures, as directed by the Commission’s IT Manager;
c. All finalized documents referenced in Section 4. Task Details
d. Penetration and data exfiltration test results – Evaluate the security of the Commission’s IT infrastructure by safely trying to exploit vulnerabilities and remove data in order to test response capabilities. NOTE: Provide separate pricing for this task.
9. Assistance from the Commission
The Commission will provide the contractor with background documents and data, as well as make the IT staff available to answer any questions the contractor may have while completing the deliverables.
10. Place of Performance
Commission’s office at 901 New York Avenue NW, Suite 200W, Washington DC, 20268 and the contractor’s place of business when necessary.
11. Quality Control
As a small-agency, the Commission has found that contractors can contribute significantly to the Commission and its mission success. Whenever the Commission awards a contract, it expects to receive top quality service. This section provides the crucial foundation for identifying, measuring and ensuring quality standards for consultative services.
The contractor will provide information, guidance, and support to the Commission for its Quality Assurance (QA) of the services provided under the contract. QA is a systematic and planned pattern of actions taken to ensure that necessary technical requirements are established, that the deliverables conform to these requirements, and that acceptable performance is achieved. Thus, the contractor will help the Commission verify that the contractor’s own Quality Control (QC) is sufficient and that their deliverables meet the agreed upon criteria. To plan and conduct QC, the contractor considers among other factors the generic criteria listed in the next paragraph.
A useful service for the government is delivered in a timely manner and thus the quality of performance exhibited by the contractor will depend on their ability to deliver their services by established deadlines. The Commission expects accuracy of the services and deliverables rendered on time by the contractor. Procedures and communication between the contractor and the Commission concerning the contract shall be unmistakably clear to avoid misunderstandings and ambiguities. The procedures and deliverables of the contractor shall be consistent and in compliance with this statement of work, and shall result in services rendered that effectively meet the Commission’s needs. The contractor’s work shall be done in an efficient manner, and their services under the contract shall meet the highest standards (e.g., user friendly, innovative, and provide the best value to the government).
With the signatures of the contractor and the Contracting Officer on a finalized contract and any associated task orders, the contractor certifies that it can meet the quality standards and criteria as cited within the agreed-upon cost framework. For substandard contractor performance under the contract where delays, cost overruns as well as deviations from the agreed upon acceptable quality levels occur, the contractor will perform rework of the deliverables at no additional cost to the Government. An example of a delay that deviates from an acceptable quality level would be where timelines and contract specifications are not implemented, requiring rework of deliverables and additional cost. If the Commission is responsible for the delays or cost overruns, the Commission will incur the additional cost.
12. Commission Rights
The Commission reserves the following rights:
a. The Commission reserves the right to amend this RFP, and/or to make no award or cancel this RFP.
b. The Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this solicitation, to negotiate and award separately with competing respondents, and to accept that proposal which, in its judgment, represents the best value to the Commission. This does not necessarily mean the lowest bid.
c. The Commission reserves the right to make a full or partial award in response to this RFP.
d. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Commission may amend this RFP by issuing addenda. Any addendum issued shall be part of this document and shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained this RFP directly from the Commission. To give prospective contractors sufficient time in which to consider an addendum in preparing their bids, the Commission may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of offers.
e. The Commission reserves its right to rescind an offer at any time for any reason.
f. Pre-award Survey: The Commission reserves the right to perform a pre-award survey that may include, but is not limited to: (1) interviews with individuals to establish their ability to perform contract duties under the project conditions; (2) a review of the prime contractor’s financial condition, business, and personnel procedures; and, site visits to the offeror’s institution.
13. Contract Type, Period of Agreement, and Expected Terms
The Commission intends to issue a Firm Fixed-Price contract for this effort. The work is expected to be completed no later than 120 days from Contract Execution.
13.1 Labor Hours
The contractor can only charge the Commission for “Productive Direct Labor Hours.” “Productive Direct Labor Hours” are defined as those hours expended by contractor personnel in performing work under this effort. This does not include sick leave, vacation, Government or contractor holidays, jury duty, military leave, or any other kind of administrative leave such as acts of God (i.e. hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, etc.), presidential funerals, or any other unexpected government closures.
13.2 Payment for Unauthorized Work
No payments will be made for any unauthorized supplies and/or services or for any unauthorized changes to the work specified herein. This includes any services performed by the contractor of their own volition or at the request of an individual other than a duly appointed Contracting Officer. Only a duly appointed Contracting Officer is authorized to change the specifications, terms, and conditions under this effort.
13.3 Disclosure of Information
Information made available to the contractor by the Commission for the performance or administration of this effort shall be used only for those purposes and shall not be used in any other way without the written agreement of the Contracting Officer. The contractor agrees to assume responsibility for protecting the confidentiality of Government records, which are not public information. Each sub-contractor or employee of the contractor to whom information may be made available or disclosed shall be notified in writing by the contractor that such information may be disclosed only for a purpose and to the extent authorized herein, and sign a non-disclosure agreement.
13.4 Limited Use of Data
Performance of this effort may require the contractor to access and use data and information proprietary to a Government agency or Government contractor, which is of such a nature that its dissemination or use, other than in performance of this effort, would be averse to the interests of the Government and/or others.
The contractor and/or contractor personnel shall not divulge or release data or information developed or obtained in performance of this effort, until made public by the Commission, except to authorize Government personnel or upon written approval of the Contracting Officer (CO). The contractor shall not use, disclose, or reproduce proprietary data that bears a restrictive legend, other than as required in the performance of this effort. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of any data
independently acquired by the contractor without such limitations or prohibit an agreement at no cost to the Government between the contractor and the data owner, which provides for greater rights to the contractor.
The Commission considers knowledge management a critical aspect of its ongoing ability to service its end-users. Therefore, the Commission will retain ownership off all data or other related information collected, analyzed, developed and reported in connection with providing services in connection with the scope of this statement of work.
13.5 Government Furnished Information and Equipment
Space and facilities on site will be provided to the primary contractors if required. In addition, appropriate information and access to Commission personnel and managers will be provided. The selected contractor will provide required hardware and software and will have access to the Commission’s systems if necessary.
13.6 Travel
All travel under this contract must be approved by the CO prior to commencement of travel. The contractor will be reimbursed for travel to provide support at a Government or other site as may be specified and approved by the CO under this effort.
13.7 Additional Contract Terms
In addition to other deliverables listed throughout this RFP, the Commission requires the following clauses are to be included in all vendor contracts for this project:

a. Contractual provisions or conditions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies when a contractor violates or breaches the contract terms, and provide for remedial actions as may be appropriate.
b. A provision for Commission termination of the contract for cause or convenience. In addition, contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the contractor.
c. A provision allowing Federal access to any documents, papers and records the contractor has that are related to the contract for auditing purposes.
d. A provision stating that the contractor will abide by the Commission’s records retention requirements.
e. A provision for the evaluation of the timeliness and satisfaction of service delivery.
f. Provisions prohibiting discrimination against contractor’s employees, sexual harassment and other illegal conduct by the contractor.
g. Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by the Office of the General Counsel and will include scope, budget, schedule, and other necessary items pertaining to the project.
13.8 Technical and Documentation Requirements:
The Contractor selected must have the ability to submit electronic records for all reports, presentation slides, briefing materials, and supporting technical materials detailed in the scope of work upon completion of the work required.
The Contractor will also provide any documentation adequate to identify, service, and interpret electronic records that could be designated for preservation by The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
All files associated with the study will be the property of the Commission and are to be delivered to the Commission’s project representative upon completion of the project. This includes, but is not limited to, all templates, images, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Microsoft Word, PDF, Photoshop, TIFF, JPEG, BITMAP, and Flash files.
14. Proposal Format and Submission Instructions
All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal. If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must include any cost associated with outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted. If an offeror does not comply with the instructions set forth herein, the contracting officer may eliminate the proposal from further consideration; or, the contracting officer may downgrade the proposal and it will not receive full credit under the applicable evaluation criteria.
All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs.
Please submit the proposal with the completed forms via email only to, and write: “Response from to RFP Commission-2018-3” in the subject line of your email.
All contacts listed in your forms must be available to answer questions if needed during the evaluation period for this RFP or your response may be disqualified.
14.1 Accurate and Complete Information:
Offerors must set forth accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 prescribes the penalty for making false statements to the Government.
14.2 Required Format for Proposal
a. Technical Proposal must be no longer than 10 pages (excluding required documents)
b. Minimum type size: 12
c. Cost Proposal must be no longer than 2 pages excluding notes (if applicable)
d. For this RFP, all materials including your proposal and supporting materials for any presentation or sessions with the Commission must be submitted electronically in PDF unprotected format. The Commission will not accept electronic versions in a format other than unprotected PDF.
14.3 Documents Required with Proposal:
a. Outline of Methodology and Approach for Final Reports
b. Work Breakdown Structure / Roadmap
c. Updated Resume for Principal(s) and Key Staff performing the work
d. Past Performance Reviews, Citations, and copies of, or links to, related past work. Please provide references and current contact information of previous clients.
14.4 The following items and/or questions should be addressed in your response:
a. Company history and executive background (organization chart)
b. Description of experience in developing and implementing similar projects
c. Examples of 3 or more System Assessments conducted by your organization
d. Anticipated resources to be assigned to this project (total number of contractor staff, role, title, experience). In addition, please include resumes and identify clients they have provided support for this effort.
e. Timeframe and/or schedule for completion of the project
f. Project management methodology
14.5 Failure to Adhere to Instructions:
Offerors must carefully and fully adhere to this section. If an offeror does not comply with the instructions set forth herein, the contracting officer may eliminate the proposal from further consideration; or, the contracting officer may downgrade the proposal and it will not receive full credit under the applicable evaluation criteria. The Commission may determine an offer unacceptable if the offer does not comply with all of the terms and conditions contained in the solicitation.
15. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
The Commission will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this RFP, your proposal should be complete and include all of the following criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Description Weight
Technical Proposal Evaluation
Overall proposal suitability:
Proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner 50
Organizational experience:
Vendors will be evaluated on their experience as it pertains to the scope of this project 10
Relevant previous work:
Vendors will be evaluated on examples of their successful work pertaining to similar projects, as well as client testimonials and references 20
Technical expertise and experience:
Vendors must provide descriptions and documentation of staff technical expertise and experience 20

Cost Proposal Evaluation
Value and cost:
Cost will be evaluated separately based on suitability and score of Technical proposals. A Cost Proposal with the detailed cost structure for the proposed solution must be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal 100


16. Commission and Contractor Support
The Commission will provide necessary facilities, such as office space and support, including access to telephones, copiers, desktop computing, computer network access, and reasonable materials and supplies for the duration of the performance period of this contract. The Contractor must furnish the necessary management, personnel, material, equipment (except Commission Furnished Equipment and information), and associated documentation to perform the tasks.
17. Due Date for Proposal
This RFP represents the requirements for an open and competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until 5pm EST on 7/13/2018. Any proposals received after the date and time will not be considered. Responses to this Statement of Work are due no later than 19 working days following the date of issuance.
18. Meetings and Discussions
The Commission may or may not choose to meet with potential offerors. Such discussions would only be intended to get further clarification of potential capability to meet the requirements, especially any development and/or certification risks.
19. Questions
Questions related to this RFP should be directed in writing to the COR identified below by email at, three days prior to the due date for proposals. Only written questions submitted via email by the above stated date will be accepted.
20. Commission Contract Personnel
The Contracting Officer (CO) for this effort is:
Mr. Stacy Ruble, Secretary/CO
Tel: 202-789-6800

The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) for this effort is:
Gregory Gray, Financial Manager/Comptroller
Tel: 202-789-6840

The Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) for this effort is:
Lee Martin, IT Manager
Tel: 202-719-5470

21. Schedule
Date Due Activity / Deliverable
7/20/2018 Proposals due by 5:00 p.m. E.S.T.
8/10/2018 Contract awarded
8/16/2018 Kickoff: Contractor Executes Contract
12/21/2018 Final Report Due (120 days)
1/31/2019 Contract Closed

22. Appendices

Appendix 1 – Organizational Chart




Appendix 2 – Vendor Information
Vendor Information Questionnaire
Vendor Details
1 Company Name:
2 Company Address:
3 Company Website:
4 Main Products/Services:
5 Main Market/Customers:
6 Ownership Structure with Ownership Status in
7 Parent Company, Joint Ventures, Subsidiaries,
Partnerships or Other Relevant Relations:
8 Number of Years in the Market:
9 Company Location(s):
10 Number of Employees:
11 Total Number of Federal Government Customers:
Primary Vendor Point of Contact for this RFP
12 Name:
13 Title:
14 Telephone:
15 Email:
16 Fax:






Appendix 3 – Client References
Client References (Provide at least 3)
Client Reference
Customer /organization name:
Primary contact:
Phone number:
Customer size (# of employees):
Brief description of project:
Deliverables provided:
Project timeframe:


Response Date:

Sol Number:

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