
Serbia-Belgrade: EIB – Construction of the Belgrade ATCC Annex with Belgrade ATC tower (SUSANEKS CKL-2018)

Type of document: Invitation to tender
Country: Serbia
OJEU Ref: (2019/S 074-174272/EN)
Nature of contract: Public works contract
Procedure: Not applicable
Regulation of procurement: European Investment Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Type of bid required: Not applicable

Contract notice
EIB – Construction of the Belgrade ATCC Annex with Belgrade ATC tower (SUSANEKS CKL-2018) (RS-Belgrade)
International Invitation for Bids

Project Name: SMATSA Upgrade of System for Air Navigation – SUSAN Programme
Promoter: Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc, Belgrade, SERBIA
The Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) has received a loan from the European Investment Bank – EIB (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) – towards the part of the cost of the Project — SMATSA Upgrade of System for Air Navigation.
This international invitation for bids relates to the contract for the project component — procurement of construction works on an Annex to Beograd ATCC Building with Beograd ATC Tower (SUS-ANEKS CKL-2018). This contract will include construction of the ATCC Belgrade Annex that consists of one underground level, ground floor + 3 floors, taking into account size and shape of the administrative part of the existing ATCC Belgrade building. The new ATC tower building, placed next to the ATCC Belgrade Annex will be composed of one underground level, ground level + 16 floors. Its height will be app. 75 m relative to the ground, and the surface area of the tower operational room will be app. 100 m2. Total area of ATCC Belgrade Annex with Belgrade ATC tower will be app. 7 500 m2 (including underground levels).
This contract is expected to be implemented from September 2019 to March 2021.
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Qualification requirements are specified in detail in the tender documents and include among other:
1) That the bidder is registered with a competent authority, i.e. entered in an appropriate register;
2) That neither the Bidder, nor any other person, including the bidder’s directors, employees, agents, subcontractors, if any, when working in the name of the bidder and holding the relevant power of attorney or according to the best knowledge or consent of the bidder, or with the support from the bidder, is included or shall be included in any prohibited conduct (as defined by the Bank) in relation to the bids’ submission process or in execution or delivery of any works, goods or services for the procurement of construction works on an Annex to Beograd ATCC Building with Beograd ATC Tower;
3) That the bidder has paid due taxes, contributions and other forms of public charges in compliance with the regulations of the country where the bidder’s registered address is located;
4) That, in the respective procurement procedure, the bidder has complied with all applicable labour laws, obligations arising from regulation on work safety, national and international standards of environmental protection, health and safety, including those contained in any relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and international agreements on environmental protection, and that the Bidder has not been prohibited, by a final court or administrative measure, from performing its business activity in force at the time of submission of the bid;
5) That the bidder possess or will obtain within twenty-eight (28) calendar days from receipt of the decision on contract award, a valid permission issued by the competent authority authorizing him to conduct the business activity which is subject of the procurement:
(i) valid licence for constructing structures on facilities in the airport complex – I111G1, issued by a competent authority Ministry of Construction, transport and infrastructure in line with the law on planning and construction in force in the Republic of Serbia;
(ii) valid licence for construction of telecommunication networks and systems for facilities in the airport complex – I111E3, issued by a competent authority Ministry of Construction, transport and infrastructure in line with the law on planning and construction in force in the Republic of Serbia;
(iii) valid authorization for design and construction of stable Fire Extinguishing Systems (Licence B1) and valid authorization for design and construction of stable fire alarm systems (Licence B2), issued by a competent authority: Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia – sector for emergency situations, directorate for prevention protection, in line with the law on fire protection in force in the Republic of Serbia;
(iv) valid decision issued by a competent authority – the Republic Geodetic Authority, for conducting the business activity that is subject to this procurement, as prescribed by the Rulebook on licence for operation of a geodetic organisation and on geodetic licence (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No 33/10 and 2/15) and/or the valid licence for operation of a geodetic organisation, and specifically for compiling technical documentation for geodetic works and expert supervision over execution of geodetic works, for which compiling of main design is envisaged, as well as compiling of projects of geodetic marking in the field of urban planning, execution of geodetic works for which compiling of main design is envisaged, execution of geodetic works in the real estate cadastre maintenance procedure and utility cadastre maintenance, as well as realisation of projects relating to geodetic marking in the field of urban planning and compiling of geodetic surveying maps in engineering and technical fields for which no main design is to be compiled.
6) Financial capacity:
(i) that the bidder has made, in each over the past 3 accounting years of 2016, 2017 and 2018 (or from the date of its incorporation if the bidder has been incorporated in the period of the past 3 years), the operating income which is at least 16 000 000 EUR equivalent, converted to euros at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia applicable on June 30;
(ii) over the past 12 months preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids, the bidder has no account blockage.
(7) Economic capacity:
(i) that the bidder has, over the past 5 years preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids, successfully completed the works for the previous buyers/investors – entities for whom the facility was constructed and in the name of which the construction permit was issued — on construction of a minimum 3 facilities with accompanying electric power and telecommunications installations and equipment (substation and/or power generator and continuous power supply and/or telecommunications installations and equipment), in total value of 50 000 000 EUR equivalent, out of which one facility must be in the amount of 16 000 000 EUR equivalent at the minimum;
(ii) that the bidder has, over the period of 3 years preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids, delivered, installed and set into operation for the previous buyers – end users of equipment – a minimum of 10 UPS devices with the minimum power of 80 kVA;
(iii) that the bidder has, over the period of 3 years preceding the publication of international invitation for bids, successfully completed the works on laying, termination and installation of telecommunications and signal cables and systems which are comparable in respect of their intended purpose with the subject procurement project, on 2 facilities at the minimum, for the previous buyers – end users. The value of the completed telecommunications works and delivered telecommunications systems for each of these facilities must be in the amount at least 1 300 000 EUR equivalent. The telecommunication works and delivered systems shall include some of those specified here: structural cable network, network devices, burglary alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance systems, systems for audio/video presentations, cable distribution and the similar;
(iv) that the bidder has, over the period of 3 years preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids, delivered, installed and set into operation thermo-technical installations which value is at least 850 000 EUR equivalent per individual facility, on a minimum of 2 facilities with respective floor area which may not be less than 10 000,00 m2 for the previous buyers – end users of such equipment;
(v) that the bidder has, over the period of 3 years preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids, delivered, installed and set into operation a minimum of 3 chillers/heat pumps with the minimum power of 100 KW and 2 chillers/heat pumps with the minimum power of 500 KW for the previous buyers – end users of such equipment;
(vi) that the bidder has, over the period of 3 years preceding the publication of the international invitation for bids installed 150t conditioning channels with 275 g Zn per m2 for the previous buyers – end users of such equipment;
(vii) that the bidder holds a certificate in compliance with ISO 9001 standard – Quality management system, ISO 14001 standard – Environmental protection management system and OHSAS 18001 – Occupational protection and safety system, which are issued by an accredited organisation.
8) Technical capacity: that at the moment of submitting the bid, the bidder has at his disposal (that he is the owner or that he has leased) the following fully operational heavy equipment vehicles and machinery:
(i) 1 backhoe – a backhoe loader for excavation and loading;
(ii) 1 bucket wheel excavator – an excavator with the capacity up to 5 tons;
(iii) 1 skid-steer (loader) on wheels;
(iv) 1 type scaffold of minimum 5 000 m2;
(v) 1 crane, with the dipper arm minimum length of 60 m;
(vi) 2 tipper trucks with minimum carrying capacity of 7 tons;
(vii) 2 truck with the transport capacity exceeding 10 tons.
(9) Personnel capacity:
— that the bidder employs the following personnel based on employment contracts for indefinite period of time, who shall be engaged on execution of the contract in question:
(i) a minimum of 2 graduate architectural engineers, holding valid 400 licences – responsible person for the performance of the works on facilities and interior plumbing and sanitation installations or holding valid 401 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on architectural and construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction facilities, or one holding valid 400 licences – responsible person for the performance of the works on facilities and interior plumbing and sanitation installations and one holding 401 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on architectural and construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction facilities, of which a minimum of 1 engineer over the past 5 years worked as the responsible person for the performance of works on a minimum of 2 facility of the V category, with the minimum floor area of 5 000 m2, in compliance with the rulebook on classification of facilities (‘’Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’’, No 22/2015);
(ii) a minimum of 2 graduate construction engineer, holding valid 410 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction facilities, civil engineering facilities and hydraulic engineering or one holding valid 410 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction facilities, civil engineering facilities and hydraulic engineering and one holding valid 411 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction structures, of which a minimum of 1 engineer over the past 5 years worked as the responsible person for the performance of works on a minimum of 2 facilities of the V category, with the minimum floor area of 5 000 m2, in compliance with the rulebook on classification of facilities (‘’Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’’, No 22/2015). The designated responsible person for performance of works holding 410 licence for works on construction structures and construction and craftsman works on construction facilities, civil engineering facilities and hydraulic engineering must be the one that owns the references based on which the I111G1 licence was obtained;
(iii) a minimum of 2 graduate mechanical engineers, holding valid 430 licences – responsible person for the performance of thermo-technical, thermal energetics, process and gas technical works, of which a minimum of 1 engineer over the past 5 years worked as the responsible person for the performance of works on a minimum of 2 facilities of the V category, with the minimum floor area of 5 000 m2, in compliance with the rulebook on classification of facilities (‘’Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’’, No 22/2015);
(iv) a minimum of 2 graduates of electrical engineering, holding valid 450 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on low and medium voltage power installations, of which a minimum of one engineer over the past 5 years worked as the responsible person for the performance of works on a minimum of 2 facilities of the V category, with the minimum floor area of 5 000 m2, in compliance with the rulebook on classification of facilities (‘’Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’’, No 22/2015);
(v) a minimum of 2 graduates of electrical engineering, holding valid 453 licences – responsible person for the performance of works on telecommunications networks and systems, one of which at the minimum over the past 5 years worked as the responsible person for the performance of works on a minimum of 2 facilities of the V category, with the minimum floor area of 5 000 m2, in compliance with the rulebook on classification of facilities (‘’Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’’, No 22/2015). The designated responsible person for performance of works holding licence 453 for telecommunications networks and systems must be the one that owns the references based on which the I111E3 licence was obtained;
(vi) a graduate geodetics engineer, holding a valid 471 licence – responsible person for the performance of geodetic works and/or holding a geodetic licence of the first order issued based on a decision of the Republic Geodetic Authority;
(vii) a graduate engineer holding a licence for design and construction of special fire protection systems and measures which cover the field of Drafting of projects for stable fire alarm systems and construction of these systems;
(viii) a graduate engineer holding a licence for design and construction of special fire protection systems and measures which cover the field of Drafting of projects for stable fire extinguishing systems and construction of these systems;
— that the bidder employs the following personnel based on contracts valid during the period of contract execution, which shall be working on execution of procurement contract in question:
(i) a minimum of 50 persons with high school degrees in construction works;
(ii) a minimum of 30 persons with high school degrees in mechanical works, of which a minimum of one person must hold a certificate for handling of F-gases and a minimum of one is a certified brazer holding a valid ISO 13585 standard welding certificate and a minimum of one person holds the certificate for assembling and setting into operation of chillers/heat pumps with EUROVENT certificate;
(iii) a minimum of 30 persons with high school degrees in electrical works, of which a minimum of one person must hold a certificate of successful completion of training for assembling of a low voltage 0.4kV and a minimum of one person holding a certificate of successful completion of training for assembling of a medium voltage 10(20)kV cable connectors and assemblies.
Possession of stated licenses with respect to the bidder’s personnel capacity, is not mandatory at the time of bid submission and only the winning/successful bidder is requested to furnish valid personnel licenses within twenty-eight (28) calendar days from receipt of the decision on contract award.
Where a bid is submitted by a group of bidders, each bidder from the group of bidders must fulfil the mandatory requirements referred to in points (1) through (4). The requirements referred to in point (5) shall be fulfilled by the bidder from a group of bidders that has been entrusted with the execution of the respective part of the procurement for which compliance with the requirement is mandatory. The Bidders from the group shall fulfil the additional requirements referred to in points (6) to (9) jointly, except for the requirements referred to in point (6)ii. and (7)vii. which must be fulfilled by each member of the group of bidders individually.
The criteria to be used in the bid evaluation is the lowest total offered price of the compliant and responsive bids.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from, and inspect the tender documents at the following address, on Serbian working days, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. local time:
Contact person: Ms. Radmila Drljača
Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc,
Trg Nikole Pasica 10, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Tel: +381 11 321 8016
Fax: +381 11 324 0456
Interested eligible Bidder has to make announcement for Tender Documents inspection one working day in advance by sending application for inspection of the Tender Documents at the Borrower’s e-mail address indicated above, with the attached appropriately signed Non-Disclosure Statement that is available at the following link:
The Bidder’s representative shall present appropriate authorization for inspection of the Tender Documents.
A non-refundable fee for purchase of Tender Documents amounts to:
(1) two hundred (200) EUR if it is personally taken over at the address indicated above, or
(2) three hundred (300) EUR if delivery by a courier is requested, or equivalent of appropriate amount in RSD which is calculated by using middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia valid on the date of publication of this International Invitation for Bids in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Instructions for RSD payment:
Recipient: Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc
Recipient’s Bank Banca Intesa AD, Beograd
Account No. 160-888-31
Reference Tender fee for SUS-ANEKS CKL-2018
Instructions for EUR payment:
Recipient Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc /RS35160005010001380863
Recipient’s Bank DBDBRSBG
Banca Intesa AD, Beograd
Milentija Popovića 7B, Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
Intermediary BCITITMM
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Milano, Italy
Reference Tender fee for SUS-ANEKS CKL-2018
In case of personal takeover of the tender documents at the borrower’s address indicated above, interested eligible bidder has to make announcement two working days in advance, by sending application for provision of the tender documents at the borrower’s e-mail address indicated above with the attached evidence of the remittance of a non-refundable fee. Application for provision of the tender documents has to include the name of the prospective bidder and contact details of the person who will be official recipient of all the communication in the procurement procedure (name and surname of the contact person, position in the company, e-mail and phone number), appended with the appropriately signed Non-Disclosure Statement that is available at the following link:
The bidder’s representative shall present the appropriate authorization for obtaining tender documents.
In the case of the tender documents submission via courier, interested eligible bidder must send an application for the submission of the tender documents via courier service, to the above indicated borrower’s e-mail, with the attached evidence of the remittance of a non-refundable fee. Application for provision of tender documents has to include name of the prospective bidder and contact details of the person who will be official recipient of all the communication in the procurement procedure (name and surname of the contact person, position in the company, e-mail and phone number) appended with the appropriately signed Non-Disclosure Statement that is available at the following link:

Submission of or taking over the tender documents is conditional upon remittance of a nonrefundable fee and delivery of signed Non-Disclosure Statement. The borrower bears no responsibility for the delivery of tender documents via courier.
A bid can be submitted only by a bidder which has signed the Non-Disclosure Statement in the capacity of a bidder or a participant in a joint bid.
A bid bond of 480 000 EUR or equivalent, fulfilling the conditions indicated in the tender documents must accompany all bids.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes or boxes bearing the mention “Bid for procurement of works on construction of an Annex to Beograd ATCC Building with Beograd ATC Tower – do not open”, not later than 30.5.2019 at 12:00 (noon) local time at the following address:
Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc,
Trg Nikole Pasica 10, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Bids will be opened immediately in the presence of bidders’ representatives who chose to attend.


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