
Single Award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for Architectural & Engineering (A-E) Services to support the 88th Division (Readiness) throughout their 19 state Region

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

Single Award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for Architectural & Engineering (A-E) Services to support the 88th Division (Readiness) throughout their 19 state Region

Department of the Army

Official Address:
1108 South R Street Fort McCoy WI 54656-5142

Zip Code:

Jamie Gregar, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:

This notice is posted in its entirety and hereby serves as the official solicitation for this project. A solicitation will only be provided to those determined most qualified.


The NAICS code is 541330 Engineering Services. The size standard is $15 Million. The Classification Code is C-Architect and Engineering Services. This contract is being procured in accordance with the Brooks Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6 and DFARS Part 236.

This announcement is open to all qualified firms and is for the selection of one (1) Architectural & Engineering (A-E) Firm for a five year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. The total capacity of the contract will not exceed $19,500,000.00. The small business subcontracting plan is NOT required as part of this submittal. The subcontracting plan will be requested with the Request for Proposal.

The wages and benefits of service employees (see FAR 22.10) performing under these contracts must be at least equal to those determined by the Department of Labor under the Service Contract Act, as determined relative to the employee’s office location (not the location of the work). Task Orders will be issued by negotiated firm-fixed-price task orders and will be issued under the terms and conditions of this contract. The Government shall be under no obligation to issue any particular number or types of orders and no liability to the contractor shall be incurred in the event that a certain number or types of orders are not issued; however, a task order will be included to satisfy the minimum guarantee of $5,000 with the basic contract. Firms must be capable of concurrently responding to and working on multiple projects simultaneously. The selection of a Firm is not based upon competitive bidding procedures, but rather upon the professional qualifications necessary for the performance of the required services, as more fully set forth in the selection criteria. All Firms responding to this announcement are cautioned to review FAR Part 9.5 – Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest; and FAR 36.209 Construction contracts with architect-engineer firms.

SCOPE OF SERVICES: Fort McCoy intends to award one (1) Firm Fixed-Price performance based Architectural & Engineering (A-E) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for use among the entire 88th Division (Readiness). The states include, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, & Washington.

The A-E IDIQ contract will be established for a term of five years. A contract minimum of $5,000 and a cumulative $19.5 Million ceiling will apply for the duration of the contract with no limit on individual Task Order amounts. The Architectural and Engineering Services for which Task Orders may be issued may include:

Construction Design to include Site Design: Provide professional Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing architectural and engineering services necessary for various projects throughout the 19 state region of the 88th Division (Readiness). Projects will include but not limited to buildings, roads, parking lots, bridges, dams and railroads. Provide professional services necessary for the design of various maintenance and repair, and new construction projects that are primarily multi-discipline engineering in nature, i.e., mechanical, electrical, plumbing, with architectural, civil structural, engineering services. Services to include, but are not limited to conceptual design, preliminary designs, working drawings and specifications, cost estimating, site visits, miscellaneous reports, and construction period services.

Scope of Services: Provide professional architectural and engineering services necessary for the design of various repair and new construction projects that are multi-disciplinary in nature, i.e., civil, mechanical, structural, electrical, plumbing, engineering and architectural services. Other related services include but are not limited to studies, investigations, surveying and mapping, tests, evaluations, consultations, comprehensive planning, program management, conceptual designs, plans and specifications, value engineering, construction phase services, preparation of operating and maintenance manuals, soils engineering, and drawing reviews. Projects may include but not limited to utility infrastructure, roads, parking lots, buildings, and interior design. Follow on task orders (TO) for this area of services may include any activity typically involved in project design from concept to construction. These activities include but are not limited to the following.

i. Existing Facility Assessment: including on-site inspection and review of existing USAR facilities and infrastructure to determine conditions, expected life, recommended preventative maintenance schedule, and repair or replacement recommendations. Services will include a physical inspection of the facilities, documentation of areas inspected, documentation of any code deficiencies, and assistance in developing corrective actions.

ii. Studies include investigating various alternatives for a project, analyzing the pros and cons of each alternative, environmental impacts, and writing a report of findings/recommendations to include a cost estimate for each alternative. Studies for potential energy saving projects shall include a life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). The LCCA shall be based upon estimated construction costs and energy savings as well as such things as operations and maintenance costs/savings throughout the estimated economic life of the project, rebates, salvage value, and annual recurring and non-recurring costs/savings.

iii. Schematic Design includes, but is not limited to, site surveying, researching, testing, defining the work, and presenting information required for project design. The A-E shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the project scope, schematic drawings, schedule, and construction budget. Schematic design analysis should include preliminary sketches of site layouts, floor plans, interior and exterior perspectives, typical wall sections, details and elevations along with narrative descriptions of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, fire suppression, and building automation systems/subsystems. Provide economic and other justifications or arguments for selection of proposed schemes and systems. Alternative approaches to design and construction are to be investigated during this phase.

iv. Design Development documents include drawings and other documents that fix and describe the dimensions and character of the project. Architectural, mechanical, electrical systems, and other elements are included as appropriate. A current construction cost estimate, broken down into the current CSI specification sections is also required. Perform Building Information Modeling (BIM) as requested to support designs.

v. Contract Drawings and Specifications include, but are not limited to, design narratives, design analyses, engineering calculations, alternatives, and production of plans, specifications, a submittal log, and other documents required for award of a construction contract.

vi. Construction Cost Estimating.

vii. Construction Period Services may include review of Contractor submittals, answering contractor Requests for Information (RFI), conducting site visits, and partial and final inspections.

ix. The Contractor shall be capable of performing Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) services in conjunction with any effort outlined in this SOW. GIS services may include the use of Unmanned Arial Vehicles capable of performing Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) survey and producing 2 cm resolution imagery. Each individual TO will include more detailed requirements for GIS data collection and submittals. All data will be verified with 88th RSC GIS Personnel.

x. The Contractor shall be capable of providing high quality architectural renderings of sites, buildings, or complexes. The Contractor shall be capable of providing multi-dimensional planning and construction animations.
Construction Design/Environmental Services: Provide professional Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing architectural and engineering services necessary for various projects throughout the 88th Region. Provide professional services necessary for the design of various maintenance and repair, and new construction projects that are primarily multi-discipline engineering in nature, i.e., mechanical, electrical, plumbing, with architectural, civil structural, engineering services. Provide environmental services to include but not limited to building, soil, groundwater, surface water and other material contamination investigations and remediation studies; preparing construction storm water permit applications; preparing National Environmental Policy Act documentation to include Environmental Assessments and Impact Statements; conducting biological and natural resource studies and inventories; collecting data and conducting investigations relating to environmental permitting and licensing actions. Services to include, but are not limited to conceptual design, preliminary designs, working drawings and specifications, cost estimating, site visits, miscellaneous reports, and construction period services.

SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria for this project are listed below in descending order of importance. Criteria 1-5 are primary. Criteria 6 is secondary and will only be used as a “tie-breaker” among firms that are essentially technically equal.

FACTOR 1 – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Resumes shall be provided for qualified professional personnel in Section E of SF 330. The selected firm must have, either in-house or through consultants, the following disciplines: (1) project management, (2) master planning, (3) quality assurance/quality control management, (4) architecture, (5) structural engineering, (6) electrical engineering, (7) mechanical and controls engineering, (8) plumbing engineering, (9) civil engineering, (10) sanitary engineering, (11) transportation engineering, (12) fire protection engineering, (13) geotechnical/soils engineering, (14) Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) and geospatial information systems (GIS), (15) specification writing, (16) cost estimating, (17) construction inspection, (18) environmental engineering, (19) land surveying (20) graphic design and (21) archaeology. The selected firm must have, either in-house or through consultants, an architect or engineer in each discipline that is professionally registered. The evaluation will consider education, certifications, training, registration, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm. Firms may provide information on other personnel they feel are significant for the types of work described in the scope of services.
FACTOR 2 – SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: (1) Knowledge and experience with design in the following areas: Construction design, utility infrastructure design, civil works design and environmental design. (2) Experience and knowledge of design with the Department of Defense in the following disciplines: Mechanical, plumbing, electrical and civil works. (3) Experience designing projects for the Department of Defense, particularly the Army Reserve, including familiarity with military codes, Army regulations and standards such as the application of Anti-Terrorism requirements. (4) Demonstrated experience with State Natural Resources Offices/Environmental Protection Offices/Historic Preservation Offices for environmental assessments, permits and water/waste water/storm water projects requiring approvals from the appropriate State offices. (5) Demonstrated knowledge and experience of current military and federal agency policies, guidance and regulations for preparation of all levels of NEPA documentation including Environmental Assessments, and Impact Statements, construction storm water and Section 404 permitting, biological and natural resource studies and inventories, performing cultural resource monitoring and documentation, feasibility studies for pollution prevention and energy conservation projects. (6) Knowledge and experience with Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act and Clean Air and Water Acts.
FACTOR 3 – CAPACITY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK: Firms must demonstrate their ability to meet schedule, scope and budget of multiple projects simultaneously for an IDIQ by providing appropriate teams or crews to perform those tasks such as surveying, data collection and design effort.

FACTOR 4 – PAST PERFORMANCE: Past Performance on contracts with Government Agencies and Private Industry in terms of Cost Control, Quality of Work, and Compliance with Performance/Design Schedules. Evaluations will be based on Past performance on DoD and other contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules as determined from Contractor Performance Assessment Rating System (CPARS) and other sources such as past performance questionnaires. Offerors will be evaluated based on past performance with Government agencies and private industry in terms of work quality, innovation, compliance with schedules, cost control, overall safety record, and stakeholder/customer satisfaction. The evaluation of past performance will be based on information provided through CPARS and may include other information provided by the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, and other information available to the Government including information from the points of contact provided by the offeror. Failure to provide requested data, accessible points of contact, or valid phone numbers may result in a firm being considered less qualified. The evaluation of this factor will be based on the past performance information from the previous five years.

FACTOR 5 – KNOWLEDGE OF LOCALITY: Knowledge of design and construction methods of military projects in the 19-state geographic area that is the 88th RSC Area of Operations. Provide a written narrative of the Firm’s plan to be able to support the 19 state Region to include limiting travel costs. Knowledge of design and construction in areas with: a high water table, winter conditions (design of facilities and utilities considering heavy snow loads, wind loads, frost depths for foundations and utilities, snow removal design, freeze-thaw conditions, roof design for falling ice/snow over doors and walkways and design of mechanical systems for a range of temperatures), areas with a marine climate, areas with high sustained winds, areas with expansive soils or constraints imposed by threatened and endangered species or wetlands.
FACTOR 6 – GEOGRAPHIC PROXIMITY: Proximity of the principal design office to Fort McCoy, WI

SUBMISSION FORMAT: Three (3) completed and bound paper copies and one (1) electronic copy in PDF format on CD are required for each submission. Submitting firms are to include the DUNS number along with the name of the firm in Block 5 of the SF 330, Part I, Section B. A firm located within the United States may obtain a DUNS number by calling Dun and Bradstreet at 1-866-705-5711 or via the internet at If a submitting Firm is located outside the United States, the local Dun and Bradstreet office should be contacted. Relative to all submittals, FONT SIZE shall be at least 10 point or larger (MS Word Font Size 10 for Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New fonts are examples of the minimum acceptable Font Size). Except as otherwise indicated, pages shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. Where page limits are indicated for Parts/Sections of the SF 330, excess pages will not be read or considered. Each side of a sheet of paper shall be counted as a single page. Blank sheets or tabs separating the sections within the SF 330 will not count toward any page limitation. The Organizational Chart required in Section D and the Matrix required as Section G, may be presented on sheets up to 11 inches by 17 inches. If an 11 inch by 17 inch sheet is used it shall be neatly folded to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches and bound in the SF 330 at the proper location. All key personnel for whom resumes are provided shall be shown on the organizational chart in Section D. Resumes in Section E shall not exceed two (2) pages each. Multiple Resumes may be reflected on a single page. Resumes shall be provided for the qualified professional personnel indicated in FACTOR 1, above. Professional licenses, registrations, and/or certifications shall be specifically identified on resumes and the failure to indentify a license, registration and/or certification will result in a presumption that none exists for the individual for whom the Resume is offered. No more than 30 resumes will be reviewed. A maximum of Ten (10) projects including the prime and consultants will be reviewed in Section F. No more than one (1) page should be used for each project. Multiple projects may be reflected on a single page. When listing projects in Section F, an Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) with multiple Task Orders as examples is not considered a project. A task order executed under an IDC contract is a project. In Block G-26, along with the name, include the firm with which the person is associated. Section H shall not exceed fifteen (15) pages. Indication of favorable performance ratings, awards, and repeat clientele in Section H is recommended. In Block H also indicate the estimated percentage of involvement of the proposed team, along with providing a written narrative as requested in FACTOR 5 of the Firm’s plan to be able to support the 19 state Region to include limiting travel costs not to exceed 2 pages.

THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THIS NOTICE MUST BE MET FOR A FIRM TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. SOLICITATION PACKAGES ARE NOT PROVIDED. SUBMITTALS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 2:30 PM CENTRAL TIME ON 12 December 2017. Regulations require that the Selection Board not consider submittals received after this time and date. Late proposal rules in FAR 15.208 will be followed for submittals received after 2:30PM Central Time on the closing date specified in this announcement. No other general notification to firms under consideration for this project will be made. Facsimile or electronic transmissions will not be accepted. A Pre-Selection Evaluation Board is tentatively scheduled to commence on or about 8 January 2017. Letters to Firms on the Final Selection List are tentatively scheduled to be sent on or about 24 January 2018. The final Source Selection Evaluation Board is tentatively scheduled to commence on or about 20 February 2018. As required by acquisition regulations, interviews for the purpose of discussing prospective Firms qualifications for the contract will be conducted only with those firms considered most highly qualified after submittal review by the selection board (Final Selection List).

Interviews, if held, may be conducted in person or via telephone. Telephone calls and Personal visits for the purpose of discussing this announcement will not be allowed. Questions are to be in writing via e-mail to the POC listed above. Questions will be answered in writing via posting to a Question and Answer (Q&A) document on Firms are encouraged to view the Q&A document BEFORE sending in a question as it may already be answered. All questions are to be received no later than 2:30 PM CENTRAL TIME on 21 November 2017. To verify timely receipt of a submission, the submitting firm may also send an e-mail to the POC list above. All Firms making submissions acknowledge the requirement that prospective awardees must be registered in SAM prior to award, during performance, and through final payment of any contract resulting from this announcement. For instructions on registering in SAM, see the SAM website at FIRMS SHOULD BE REGISTERED WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE SF 330 AS THE PROCESS MAY TAKE 3-5 DAYS. FIRMS MUST INCLUDE THE DUNS NUMBER FOR THE OFFICE OF THE FIRM PERFORMING THE WORK IN SECTION B.5 OF THE SF330.

Submittals are to be mailed to: Jamie Gregar, 1108 South R Street, Fort McCoy, WI 54656.

Questions & Answers:

Q1: Is there any requirement for DBE, MBE, DVBE or WBE businesses?
A1: Firms are encouraged to review FAR 52.219-9 which will be included with the solicitation.

Q2: Is there an incumbent firm or is this a new contract?
A2: This is a new requirement.

Q3: Factor 1, Professional Qualifications, and Factor 2, Specialized Experience and Technical Competence: Are projects completed over the last ten years acceptable?
A3: Yes.

Q4: Factor 1, Professional Qualifications: The solicitation states that evaluation will consider “education, certifications, training, registration, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm.” If an individual is performing in a role that does not require certification or registration (i.e., graphic design, CADD, etc.), is that acceptable?
A4: If the firm desires to submit resumes from an individual that does not required certification or registration, they may do that.

Q5: Factor 1, Professional Qualifications: Are we required to include certification and registration numbers on resumes?
A5: Including certifications and/or registration numbers is suggested if applicable.

Q6: Regarding Factor 4, Past Performance – Solicitation states, “The evaluation of past performance will be based on information provided through CPARS and may include other information provided by the firm, …” Does this mean that we should include narrative, awards, client quotes and other measures of performance in Section H, and that we are not required to include CPAR evaluations for our Section F projects?
A6: That is correct. The Contracting Office will pull CPARS reports directly from CPARS during evaluations. Contractors may include this in their proposal, but it is not required.

Q7: Do the 11×17 Section D organization chart and Section G matrix count as one page or two?
A7: One page.

Q8: Can response be printed double-sided?
A8: Yes. Each side of a sheet of paper shall be counted as a single page.

Q9: Can you tell me if these services are currently being performed by a contractor? If so, could you please provide the incumbent name as well as the contract number?
A9: This is a new requirement. There is not an incumbent.





Response Date:

Sol Number:


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