Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Philippines
2. Awarding Authority: Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas, A. Mabini corner P. Ocampo Sts, Malate,Metro Manila, Philippines 1004. Tel: 63-02-7087701 Ext.2567. Email: balmoresjr@bsp.gov.ph. (Jackie Lou Rivera Balmores, Administrative Services Officer III).
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: Software Maintenance and Subscription Service of IT Security Vulnerability Scanner, for a period of One (1) Year, as per BSP Terms of Reference.
5. CPV Code(s): 72267000, 72000000, 79980000
6. NUTS code(s): Not provided.
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Metro Manila.
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: 4587092
9. Estimated value of requirement: PHP 1,021,000.00
10. Closing Date / Time: 5.7.2017 (14:00).
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
12. Other information: Pre-bid Conference: 23-Jun-2017, 2:00 PM, MR2A Conference Room 2nd Floor, 5-Storey Building BSP Main Complex, Malate, Manila.