
The Contractor shall provide a turn-key solution for the inspection, testing,

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

The Contractor shall provide a turn-key solution for the inspection, testing,

Department of the Army

Official Address:
2133 Cushing Street
Building 61801 Fort Huachuca AZ 85613-1190

Zip Code:

Keith D. Hitchins, Purchasing Agent, Phone 5205331993, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:
Network Enterprise Center, Fort Huachuca, AZ
Performance Work Statement
for Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Supporting the Information Processing Center
(IPC), Buildings 61801
1.0 Description of Services
1.1 General Information. The Network Enterprise Center (NEC) located at Fort
Huachuca, Arizona, is responsible for operations and maintenance of network and
telecommunication systems and services for Fort Huachuca and its tenants. The NEC
mission requires that the Power Distribution Systems (PDS) delivering primary and
backup power to its data center are able to provide uninterrupted service.
1.2 Description of Services. The oldest portions of the NEC date from the 1960s.
Even though some sections have been upgraded over the years, new and old
equipment still require periodic inspection and maintenance. The NEC’s objective is to
maintain electrical service to its data center through proactive inspections and
scheduled maintenance of electrical components.
1.3 Travel. Travel is not identified as a requirement within the scope of this
2.0 Scope. The Contractor shall provide a turn-key solution for the inspection, testing,
analysis, reporting, recurring maintenance, routine and emergency repair of the Ft
Huachuca NEC electrical and its backup power system. The Contractor shall provide
the services outlined in this PWS per manufacturer’s specifications and ensure DoD,
Army, national, state, and local, electrical code, safety, and environmental compliance.
The Contractor shall furnish all manpower, materials, test equipment, and tools
necessary to fulfill the requirements of this PWS. Current locations and components to
be supported are specified in paragraph 4 and Appendix A below. Power systems shall
be in an energized state during all inspecting, testing, analyzing, and troubleshooting.
The Contractor shall coordinate with the NEC for a date/time (after-duty hours,
weekends, and holidays) that is mutually acceptable if power systems absolutely
require an outage to achieve a de-energized state and there is no alternative.
3.0 Technical Requirements. The Contractor shall provide the following services:
3.1 Inspection
3.1.1 In coordination with the COR, the Contractor shall physically go through all
NEC areas (see Appendix A for equipment list) and record each component NLT than
30 calendar days after contract start and prior to the first maintenance visit. The
Contractor shall: 1) tag and assign a unique identification (ID) number to each
component to be serviced and 2) provide the equipment list to the COR prior to the first
maintenance visit.
3.1.2 The Contractor shall provide a task-oriented, service management program
developed exclusively for the NEC.
3.1.3 The Contractor shall: 1) inspect all components (interior and exterior) for
corrosion, rust, discoloration, leaks, safety hazards, electrical code violations,
grounding, physical damage, and general condition to ensure performance remains
within manufacturer’s specified limits; 2) check all connections and terminations for
tightness and torque according to manufacturer’s specifications; 3) check devices with
mechanical indicators for correct indication/operation; and 4) correct any conditions
not meeting manufacturer’s minimum recommended limits.
3.1.4 The Contractor shall document true RMS voltage and current, voltage and
current harmonics, power factor, and phase-balance services for the main distribution,
the backup generator, and the UPS systems.
3.1.5 The Contractor shall perform Infrared Thermography of electrical equipment
(i.e., branch circuit panels, molded case circuit breakers, power distribution units,
automatic transfer switches, bus ducts, disconnect switches, switchgear, transformers,
batteries, etc.) during electrical preventive maintenance visits. Examine electrical
components for heat damage due to poor connections/contacts, current overloading,
excessive currents, and electrical component degradation.
3.1.6 The Contractor shall perform Ultrasonic Testing of electrical equipment (i.e.,
branch circuit panels, molded case circuit breakers, power distribution units, automatic
transfer switches, bus ducts, disconnect switches, switchgear, transformers, etc.) during
electrical preventive maintenance visits. Identify arcing and tracking in electrical
contacts and connections within the ultrasonic frequency range.
3.1.7 The Contractor shall evaluate test results for trend identification to determine
appropriate actions to minimize the likelihood of an unscheduled power interruption or
safety hazard. Simply scanning test data is not acceptable. The Contractor shall
submit recommendations to the NEC based on the analysis.
3.2 Recurring Maintenance
3.2.1 The Contractor shall: 1) clean all applicable electrical interior and exterior
equipment, including vacuuming/blowing out, 2) replace consumables (i.e., air filters,
fuses, fans, and capacitors) as a result of normal wear and tear; and 3) if
recommended by the manufacturer, lubricate equipment to ensure proper mechanical
3.2.2 Where feasible, the Contractor shall exercise active components (i.e.,
breakers) according to manufacturer’s specifications. If replacement is necessary, the
item will be added to the short-term repair/replacement listing (paragraph 5.6) used to
track required work.
3.2.3 For switchgear requiring maintenance in a de-energized state, the Contractor
shall clean, tighten, torque, lubricate, exercise, and test per manufacturer’s minimum
recommended limits. If necessary, the item will be added to the short-term
repair/replacement listing (paragraph 5.6) used to track required work.
3.2.4 The Contractor shall: 1) update all devices utilizing firmware with the most
current firmware version and 2) perform hardware updates, such as power distribution
unit control modules, as recommended by the manufacturer.
3.3 Repair
3.3.1 Routine/Scheduled The Contractor shall perform minor repairs upon discovery of a deficiency
that does not impact NEC operations. For example, minor repairs are: replacing
missing screws, adjusting covers, re-torquing connections, applying phase tape to
wiring, tie-wrapping wiring, etc. Minor repairs are not limited to the above listing. The Contractor shall provide a warranty regarding any covered component
of the power distribution system that has been satisfactorily tested and accepted by the
NEC and the Contractor, should it fail during the contracted period. The Contractor
shall repair or replace the failed covered component (parts, materials, and labor) at no
additional charge to the NEC or the federal government. Any question regarding repair
or replacement of a failed covered component shall have a workable solution agreed
upon between the Contractor and the NEC and the final resolution shall ensure that the
integrity and capability of the power distribution system is not compromised and
remains ready to support Ft Huachuca. Corrective maintenance shall be scheduled
with the NEC following issue discovery. All methods and procedures related to repair
work shall be approved by the NEC prior to execution. Concerning lifecycle
replacement/upgrade of PDS components or replacement through repair, the old
equipment shall be removed from this contract’s coverage. The newly installed
equipment is added to this contract’s coverage at no additional cost to the government.
3.3.2 Emergency. The Contractor shall provide 24×365/366 on-site emergency
response and overtime services required to achieve all repairs of failed or damaged
PDS equipment guaranteed by this contract. An emergency is defined as lifethreatening
or a failure capable of interrupting
data center service. The Contractor
must telephonically respond within 1/2 hour and be at Greely Hall, Ft Huachuca, within
three (3) hours from notification by the NEC. The Contractor shall provide courses of
action to resolve catastrophic equipment failures to the NEC no later than close of
business the next calendar day. However, alternate means of service restoration, such
as a backup transfer switch must be completely implemented no later than the next
calendar day. Finally, emergency repairs to include successful testing shall be
completed by a date mutually agreed upon by the NEC and the Contractor.
4.0 Administrative Requirements
4.1 Phase-in/out. Phase-in/out is not identified as a requirement within the scope of
this contract.
4.2 Place of Work and Work Hours. Work shall be performed on-site at the
following government installation: Fort Huachuca, Buildings 61801 (NEC area) and
61803, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000. Appendix A lists the current components in the
power distribution system. The Contractor shall conduct scheduled maintenance visits
and scheduled repairs at the specified government site between the hours of 8:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. (0800 – 1600), Monday through Friday, excluding observed holidays.
Exclusions (SIPR side only of the data center) are the first business day in a month and
every Tuesday morning. For emergency repairs, see paragraph 3.3.2 Emergency.
4.3 Training. The Contractor shall utilize certified technicians to perform the
services described in this PWS. With his/her solicitation, the Contractor must provide
the government Contracting Officer proof of the following on each technician
designated to work on NEC Electrical Equipment: American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (ASNT) Level 1 for Infrared Thermography/Ultrasonic Detection and annual
NFPA-70E training.
4.4 Travel. The Contractor must provide own transportation to Fort Huachuca.
4.5 Security. The Contractor shall submit for inspection any equipment that has the
ability to produce an image of any area or equipment that may be deemed sensitive or
classified by the NEC and the U.S. Army. The NEC Security Office reserves the right to
inspect such equipment upon the Contractor’s entry and departure at the NEC
worksites. The Contractor, and authorized representatives, shall abide and comply with
all Army and Fort Huachuca policies and regulations pertinent to security, Force
Protection, and Anti-Terrorism. These projects may require access to controlled or
sensitive facilities. Contractor employees shall be escorted by a government employee
at all times while working in government controlled or sensitive facilities.
4.6 Protection. Work related to this contract does not require access to sensitive
information or government computing systems.
4.7 Safety. The contractor shall perform all work on the NEC Electrical Equipment
to comply with the requirements of NFPA 70-E, NFPA 70 (NEC), and UFC 3-560-01.
The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local occupational safety,
environmental laws, rules, and regulations and the provisions of AR 385-10 to include
supplements issued by NETCOM/9th SC (A) and subordinate commands. The
contractor shall provide for the safety/health and well-being of personnel employed in
the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall follow life and safety codes and
take necessary actions to avoid conditions that may be hazardous to the safety and
health of NEC and installation personnel. The Contractor shall establish a safety and
health program showing the methods and procedures for ensuring compliance with the
above requirement and provide a copy to the COR/NEC prior to the first maintenance
visit. All Contractor employees performing required maintenance and service methods,
procedures, and tasks shall be by a “qualified person.” Hazard assessments will be
performed by the Contractor prior to performing any work on or near exposed energized
conductors or circuits. The Contractor shall provide employees with the appropriate
personal protective equipment and training as prescribed in applicable safety
requirements. The Contractor shall notify the COR/NEC within three working days of all
safety and health deficiencies identified and corrective actions taken during
performance of their work tasks. The Contractor shall notify the COR/NEC within one
hour of hazardous substance spills or disposals. The government reserves the right to
conduct unannounced safety inspections at any time. The COR may require the
Contractor to cease operations associated with the performance of this contract for
reasons of safety violation(s). The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any
overtime required to correct any safety violation caused by Contractor personnel.
Lastly, daily cleanup is a requirement of this contract and will be strictly enforced.
4.8 Contractor Identification Requirements. U.S. citizenship is required for all
personnel who will be on-site performing the work. Contractor personnel do not
require a security clearance for this work effort. In accordance with FAR subpart
37.114, all Contractor personnel working in Government buildings where their
contractor status is not obvious are required to identify themselves as such to avoid
being mistaken for Government officials. Contractors performing work at
Government workplaces will provide their employees with an easily readable
identification (ID) badge indicating the employee’s name, the contractor’s name, the
functional area of assignment, and a recent color photograph of the employee.
Contractors shall require their employees wear the ID badges visibly when
performing work at Government workplaces.
4.9 Government Provided Resources. None. The Contractor is responsible for the
safeguarding of his/her equipment as well as government facilities and equipment.
4.10 Period of Performance. This contract consists of one base year with three (3)
option years. The Contractor shall schedule and conduct two (2) Preventive
Maintenance visits visit for the Electrical Equipment with the NEC within the 12 month
contracted year. Maintenance visits will have at least six months separation between
them. A comprehensive de-energized maintenance visit shall be conducted once during
the Base Year and once during Option Year 3. De-energized maintenance always
occurs on a Saturday scheduled by the COR and the Contractor.
4.11 Protection. Access to Protected Information. This contract has no protected
information requirements.
4.12 Accounting for Contractor Support (CMRA). Contractor shall report ALL
Contractor labor hours (including sub-Contractor labor hours) required for performance
of services provided under this contract for the US Army via a secure data collection
site. Contractor is required to completely fill in all required data fields using the following
web address: The required information includes: (1)
Contracting Office, Contracting Officer, Contracting Officer’s Representative; (2)
Contract number, including task or delivery order number; (3) Beginning and ending
dates covered by reporting period; (4) Contractor name, address, phone number, e-mail
address, identity of Contractor employee entering data; (5) Estimated direct labor hours
(including sub-Contractors); (6) Estimated direct labor dollars paid this reporting period
(including sub-Contractors); (7) Total payments (including sub-Contractors); (8)
Predominant Federal Service Code (FSC) reflecting services provided by Contractor
(and separate predominant FSC for each sub-Contractor if different); (9) Estimated data
collection cost; (10) Organizational title associated with the Unit Identification Code
(UIC) for the Army Requir
ing Activity (the Army Requiring Activity is responsible for
providing Contractor with its UIC for the purposes of reporting this information); (11)
Locations where Contractor and sub-Contractors perform the work (specified by zip
code in the United States and nearest city, country, when in an overseas location, using
standardized nomenclature provided on website); (12) Presence of deployment or
contingency contract language; and (13) Number of Contractor and sub-Contractor
employees deployed in theater this reporting period (by country). As part of its
submission, Contractor shall also provide the estimated total cost (if any) incurred to
comply with this reporting requirement. Reporting period will be the period of
performance not to exceed 12 months ending September 30 of each Government fiscal
year and must be reported by 31 October of each calendar year. Contractors may use
a direct XML data transfer to the database server or fill in the fields on the website. The
XML direct transfer is a format for transferring files from a Contractor’s systems to the
secure website without the need for separate data entries for each required data
element at the website. The specific formats for the XML direct transfer may be
downloaded from the website. Contractor shall report ALL Contractor labor hours
(including sub-Contractor labor hours) required for performance of services provided
under this contract for the Army via the eCMRA secure data collection site. Contractor
is required to completely fill-in all required data fields within the eCMRA. Reporting
inputs will be for the labor executed during the period of performance during each
Government fiscal year (FY), which runs October 1 through September 30. While
inputs may be reported any time during the FY, all data shall be reported no later than
October 31 of each calendar year. Contractor’s may direct questions to the help desk
4.13 Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). The KO will provide a COR
Designation Letter for this Contract/Task Order upon award. The COR shall
acknowledge the COR Designation Letter in writing and return to the KO within 5
business days of receipt.
5.0 Deliverables and Delivery Schedule.
5.1 Contractor contact information: names, phone numbers, and email addresses
for company leadership, operations, help desk during and after-hours, emergency
trouble calls, etc. to the COR NLT the next day following contract award.
5.2 A Coordination Meeting held at the NEC, Ft Huachuca, AZ, to review the
requirements of this PWS. The meeting shall occur within 10 days following contract
5.3 A schedule of site visits for the year upon completion of the Coordination
Meeting. Conduct visit as scheduled.
5.4 A schedule of site visits by supporting vendors of installed equipment, upon
completion of the Coordination Meeting. Conduct visit as scheduled.
5.5 A database of existing conditions covering the tasks of section 2.1 Task
Description, accessible by the NEC for viewing, NLT 14 calendar days following the
initial maintenance visit.
5.6 A short-term repair/replacement listing of PDS equipment that needs immediate
attention and a list of any safety violations NLT 14 calendar days following the initial
maintenance visit.
5.7 Quality Control Plan (QCP). The Contractor shall provide the QCP to the
Contracting Officer (KO) and the COR NLT 30 calendar days after contract start.
Changes and or updates shall be provided to the KO and COR NLT five (5) business
days after changes/update are made to the QCP.
5.8 A component listing (with accompanying certificate) identifying equipment
guaranteed by the contract shall be submitted with the detailed preventive maintenance
report NLT 30 calendar days following the maintenance visit.
5.9 Electrical Preventive Maintenance. The Contractor shall provide
predictive/proactive testing and maintenance services twice annually. The Contractor
also guarantees a 12-month full repair or replacement of any failed components of the
electrical distribution system covered by this contract that are satisfactorily tested by the
Contractor and accepted by the NEC and the Contractor. Repair of failed
component(s) shall be coordinated between the NEC and the Contractor with the
understanding that the repair effort will typically occur after-duty hours, on weekends, or
holidays. Regarding deficient equipment that is not initially placed under contract
warranty, the Contractor shall provide the NEC options and associated costs to either
repair or replace it.
5.10 Reports.
5.10.1 The contractor shall provide detailed reports, photographs, and results to the
NEC regarding inspection, testing, and analysis of the electrical systems within two
weeks after completion of the scheduled preventive maintenance visit. The
Contractor’s report shall include current status, any recommended repairs/solutions/
opportunities for improved electrical system efficiency, reduced electrical utility costs,
improved safety conditions, minimized risk of downtime, and historical trends. Report
format (must contain):
-Visit summary (including opportunities for improved electrical system efficiency,
reduced electrical utility costs, improved safety conditions, etc.)
-Site visit date
-Facility locations
-Equipment inventory (equipment tag ID, item description, and type)
-Item problem count (number of problems identified for each)
-Section on analysis summary
-Tag ID
-Equipment type
-Serial # (if item has one)
-Equipment photos (digital and infrared)
-Section on electrical systems
-Tag ID
-Equipment type
-Serial # (if item has one)
-Specification (i.e., working voltage)
-Value (i.e., 208)
-Unit (i.e., volts)
-Equipment variables: variable/unit and dates inspected
-Section on thermal anomalies
-Location, tag ID, and equipment type
-Severity criteria (i.e., severe, critical, alert findings)
-List of readings (i.e., phases, problem location, current rating & draw, THDC,
voltage drop)
-Reference, problem, and difference temperatures
-Problem description
-Consequences if not corrected
-Recommendations for repair
-Corrective actions
-Section on electrical anomalies
-Location, tag ID, and equipment type
-Problem description
-Consequences if not corrected
-Recommendations for repair
-Corrective actions
-Problems summary (roll-up of all problems with repair solution and trend
6.0 Reviews
7.0 Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA)
7.1 Quality Control (QC). The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Plan
(QCP) and implement a QC Program to satisfy the specific requirements of the
contract. The QCP shall identify potential problem areas. The QCP will evolve over the
life of the contract and incorporate problems and corrective actions throughout the life
of the contract. The QCP shall be provided to the KO and the COR NLT 30 calendar
days after contract start. The Contractor shall update the QCP as required, but at least
annually, NLT 10 working days after the start of the option period, and provide copies to
the KO and COR. The Contractor shall provide the results of its QC program, to include
any list of discrepancies and corrective actions, to the Government upon request.
7.2 Quality Assurance (QA). The Government will monitor the Contractor’s
performance under this contract. If any aspect of performance is not in conformity with
the requirements of this contract, the Government will have the right to issue to the
Contractor a Contract Discrepancy Report (CDR). The Contractor shall explain in< br />writing why performance was not in conformity with the requirements of this contract,
how performance will be returned to conformity, and how recurrence of the problem will
be prevented in the future. The Contractor shall complete and return the CDR NLT five
(5) working days after receipt.
7.3 Performance Metric. The Contractor performance requirements are
summarized into performance metrics that relate directly to mission essential items.
The Performance Standard briefly describes the required level of service and the
Acceptable Quality Level briefly describes the minimum acceptable levels of service
for each requirement.
Required Services
Quality Levels
Incentives /
Disincentives for
Meeting or Not
visits (4.10,
5.3, 5.4)
The Contractor
shall conduct two
maintenance visits
Both visits are
executed with at
least six (6) months
Both visits are
executed with at
least six (6) months
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
Required Services
The Contractor
shall provide
response and
overtime required to
achieve repairs of
failed or damaged
PDS components
which are life
threatening or
capable of
interrupting IT
The Contractor has
technicians on-call
24 hours a day,
seven days a week,
365/366 days a
year and responds
to emergency calls
and arrives at the
designated work
site within two
hours after the
emergency call
from the NEC 100%
of the time
technicians were
on-call 24 hours a
day, seven days a
week, 365/366 days
a year and
responded to
emergency calls
and arrived at the
designated work
site within two
hours after
receiving the
emergency call
from the NEC 95%
of the time.
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
The Contractor
shall assure that
technicians have
the sufficient
certifications to
perform the
Technicians have
experience and
required to perform
work 100% of the
Technicians have
experience and
required to perform
work 98% of the
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
The Contractor
shall provide
maintenance to
according to
95% of NEC PDS
according to
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
Required Services Performance
Quality Levels
Incentives /
Disincentives for
Meeting or Not
The Contractor
guarantees any
satisfactorily tested
and accepted.
All NEC ATS that is
guaranteed by the
Contractor is
should it fail.
95% of NEC ATS
that is guaranteed
by the Contractor is
should it fail.
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
The Contractor
shall evaluate test
results for trend
100% of failures are
accurately predicted
to prevent potential
95% of failures are
accurately predicted
to prevent potential
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
Provide a
report (5.8,
The Contractor
shall provide
detailed preventive
reports following
scheduled visits
NLT 14 days to the
Detailed report
delivered according
to the specified
format. NLT 14
days following a
scheduled visit
100% of the time.
Detailed report
delivered according
to the specified
format. NLT 14
days following a
scheduled visit 98%
of the time.
Positive and
performance will be
documented in
monthly COR
8.0 References. The Contractor shall adhere to the following:
AR 385-10 The Army Safety Program
AR 385-40 Accident Reporting and Records
DA PAM 385-10 The Army Safety Program
NETCOM/9th SC (A) Reg 385-1 Safety and Occupational Health
NETCOM/9th SC (A) Reg 750-2 Battery Management Program
TM-5-692-1 & 5-685 Generator Maintenance
UFC 3-560-1 Operation and Maintenance: Electrical Safety
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
29 CFR 1910 OSHA Regulation (Standard)
8.1 Definitions
ATS: Automatic Transfer Switch
Contractor: Refers to the business or firm, which successfully wins the government
contract and is responsible for the delivery of all equipment, hardware and services
listed in this Performance Work Statement.
Government: The US Army Signal Network Enterprise Center (NEC) at Fort Huachuca,
recipient of all equipment, hardware and services listed in this Statement of Work.
NEC: Network Enterprise Center
Short Term Repair/Replacement Listing: A project list of equipment requiring immediate
attention. Unresolved, the equipment has potential to threaten life or interrupt data
center service.
Turn-Key: Refers to a fully functional and operational system or solution which requires
no additional services or hardware to function as intended.
24×365/366: Means every day of the year-evenings, weekends, and holidays are not
8.2 Point of Contact (POC) Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR): Scott Carrier,
work phone: 520-533-1791, email:
APPENDIX A, Equipment List
Data Center
Branch Circuit Panel (BCP), B 1-1 / Branch Circuit Panel <= 400 amp
BCP, Junction Box A / Branch Circuit Breaker Panel
BCP, Junction Box C / Branch Circuit Breaker Panel
DPN, Distribution Panel 1
CB 211/ Individual Molded Case Breakers > 400A
CB 212 / Individual Molded Case Breakers > 400A
Generator Room
2 each, Automatic Transfer Switch (ASCO)
Bus Duct-Vertical or Horizontal (Per 10′ section)
Main: Priority 1 Switchgear & Tech Bus Transformer
Disconnect / Safety Switch
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Communication Center / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Computer Room Panel / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare / Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Spare 1 Molded Case Circuit Breaker, Priority-II Switchgear
Switchgear Drawout Breakers, Priority-II Switchgear

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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