
The different types of security tenders

DCI specialises in supporting organisations all around the world to win defence and security tenders, not only with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in the UK but also for security requirements overseas. The security market is vast, and offers a diverse range of tender opportunities, from cyber security implementation across technology to physical security guards at events. The necessity for physical security in a landscape where organisations are continually growing their online presence is crucial. DCI explores the breadth of opportunity in security tenders below.

Electronic security

The UK has one of the largest numbers of CCTV cameras in the world. The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) estimates there are between 4 and 5.9 million cameras across the UK operating to improve public safety. Electronic security camera systems can be expensive to set up, especially in the case of advanced systems which run 24 hours a day, which means security tenders are often valuable. It is worth noting that electronic systems can vary massively in size too, from simple, single-camera installations to large-scale, multi-camera systems. The demand for electronic systems has shown no sign of slowing – organisations all over the world require CCTV and CCTV system upgrades. Whether your organisation is based in the UK or further afield, we can help you be successful in this area.

Perimeter security

Perimeter security, often known as intruder alarm systems, is designed to protect residential properties or business offices from burglaries. Alarm systems are usually implemented in the outdoor areas of homes or business and pick up movements of potential intruders, triggering an alarm before they get close. Intruder alarms often include advanced microwave and infrared technology that can differentiate between the movements of animals and humans. Suppliers for these type of security tenders will be needed for the design, installation and ongoing maintenance of the perimeter system. Perimeter security is an extremely popular option in the USA, and DCI’s international security tenders can give you the best chance of growing your business in this area.

Access control

Physical security is still as important as ever, and there are many occasions where physical security conducted by humans is far more effective than electronic security technology. Manned guarding activity includes guarding premises against unauthorised access or occupation, or against outbreaks disorder or damage. Construction sites are a target for vandalism and thieves, as contractors often leave the premises unprotected at the end of the day. The presence of uniformed security guards assists in deterring thieves and vandals from entering construction or building sites, and are preferred for premises spanning large areas. By patrolling the perimeter of the site, including in and out of buildings, security guards can ensure the whole site, even areas out of view of security cameras or other devices, is protected from potential trespassers or thieves gaining access.

Event security

Security at events is necessary for public and private events of all sizes, regardless of whether they are ticketed or free to enter. Event organisers for large commercial events will often provide electronic security as well as security guards, to ensure all areas are being protected against all potential risks. For private, more intimate events such as weddings, security guards may be the preferred option and starting to win business in this area is a great option.

How to get security tenders

DCI is well-positioned in the market to support suppliers and buyers with security tenders. With our software-based business intelligence tool, we ensure all businesses are given critical insight to help them win all different types of security tenders in the UK and internationally.

Find security tenders with DCI


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