
UK SBS BLOJEU-CR16133BEIS – Scoping study into the use of UK Government-held carbon and climate data to support UK green finance initiatives

Type of document: Contract award
Country: United Kingdom

1. Title: UK SBS BLOJEU-CR16133BEIS – Scoping study into the use of UK Government-held carbon and climate data to support UK green finance initiatives
2. Awarding Authority:
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
3. Contract Type: Services
4. Description: This study will scope the current data, products, standards and methodologies that are currently available or in development around:
1. identifying and assessing carbon risk in investments;
o There is an increasingly urgent need for investors to assess and minimise climate related risk in their activities. This need is being recognised by investors but also increasingly by financial institutions and international bodies, such as the Green Finance Study Group under the G20 and the Financial Stability Board. Engagement with these groups and others has highlighted a lack of data and consistent methodologies as a barrier to wider adoption of climate risk assessment techniques.
2. developing corporate climate transition plans in the financial sector; and,
o Many financial institutions have set positive green investment targets or science-based 2�C pathways, for example, Citi, JP Morgan & HSBC. This project seeks to understand how financial institutions define measuring and reporting the positive investments they are making.
3. classifying green finance products.
o Data and information barriers have been highlighted as preventing the expansion of markets for green finance products, for example green bonds.
This scoping will be combined with an assessment of the data and methodologies held by BEIS in this area and the extent to which these could be used to fill any gaps in the data, standards etc.
5. CPV Codes:
73200000 – Research and development consultancy services
79310000 – Market research services
6. NUTS Codes: UKK14
7. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: London
8. Reference Attributed by the Awarding Authority:
UK SBS BLOJEU-CR16133BEIS – Scoping study into the use of UK Government-held carbon and climate data

Award Details:

Supplier’s Name:
Vivid Economics Ltd
Supplier’s Address:
26-28 Ely Place, London EC1N 6TD
Value of Contract(£):
Awarded Date:
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:

Other Information:
Additional Text
• Additional text UK Shared Business Services eSourcing As part of the strategic alliance between UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) and Crown Commercial Service (CCS), UK SBS can use the CCS eSourcing Suite for future procurements. If you have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Register for CCS eSourcing’. Please note that, to register, you must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Once you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; the name of the registered Bidder; and the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. The Sourcing documents can then be accessed on the eSourcing Suite at: using the instructions detailed in the Specification documents within Contracts Finder. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service Helpdesk : Telephone: 0345 010 3503 Training documents to support Bidders utilise Emptoris CCS eSourcing are available in the Contracts Finder Tender documents section.
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