
United Kingdom-Southampton: C-Scope Support and Maintenance Contract

Type of document: Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Country: United Kingdom
OJEU Ref: (2018/S 243-556640/EN)
Nature of contract: Service contract
Procedure: Negotiated without a call for competition
Regulation of procurement: EU – with participation by GPA countries
Type of bid required: Not applicable

Voluntary ex ante transparency notice

Section I: Contracting authority
I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Postal address: 105 Commercial Road
Town: Southampton
Postal code: SO18 2PG
Country: United Kingdom
Internet address(es):
Main address:

I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
I.5) Main activity
Other activity: Maritime Safety

Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title: C-Scope Support and Maintenance Contract
II.1.2) Main CPV code: 72261000
II.1.3) Type of contract Services
II.1.4) Short Description:
Contract for the provision of a 24/7 fully managed service contract in support of VTM, VTS and Automatic Identification System (AIS) software services. Bringing the services into one will support Maritime Operations in complying with the EU VTMD 24hr monitoring obligations.
II.1.6) Information about lots
The contract is divided into lots: no
II.1.7) Total value of the procurement(excluding VAT)
II.2) Description
II.2.3) Place of performance
Nuts code: UK Main site or place of performance:United Kingdom.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement
Provision of a 24/7 fully managed service contract in support of VTM, VTS and Automatic Identification System (AIS) software services. Bringing the services into one contract will support Maritime Operations in complying with the EU VTMD 24hr monitoring obligations.

II.2.5) Award criteria
II.2.11) Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Type of procedure
Negotiated procedure without prior publication(in accordance with Article 32 of Directive 2014/24/EU)
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement(GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes
IV.2) Administrative information

Section V: Award of contract/concession
V.2) Award of contract/concession
V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract/concession award decision:2018-12-03
V.2.2) Information about tenders
V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor
Official name: Kongsberg Norcontrol Ltd
Town: Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
Nuts code: UK
The contractor is an SME: no

V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession(excluding VAT)
for framework agreements – total maximum value for this lot
for contracts based on framework agreements, if required – value of contract(s) for this lot not included in
previous contract award notices

Section VI: Complementary information
VI.3) Additional information:
To view this notice, please click here:

GO Reference: GO-20181213-PRO-13724624
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review body
Official name: Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Postal address: Spring Place
Town: Southampton
Postal code: SO15 1EG
Country: United Kingdom

VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures
Official name: Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Postal address: Spring Place
Town: Southampton
Postal code: SO15 1EG
Country: United Kingdom

VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Official name: Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Postal address: Spring Place
Town: Southampton
Postal code: SO15 1EG
Country: United Kingdom

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice:

Justification for the award of the contract without prior publication of a call for
competition in the Official Journal of the European Union
1.Justification for the choice of the negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition in accordance with Article
32 of Directive 2014/24/EU
The works, supplies or services can be provided only by a particular economic operator for the following reason:
protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights

Please explain in a clear and comprehensive manner why the award of the contract without prior publication in the Official Journal of the European Union
is lawful, by stating the relevant facts and, as appropriate, the conclusions of law in accordance with the directive:
It is the understanding of the agency that this requirement can only be provided by one supplier “Kongsberg” due to Intellectual property ownership.
The C-Scope support and maintenance contract will ensure that the agency continues to meets its operational need and complies with the UK Government Security Policy Framework (SPF). Without this service no security vulnerability patching will take place elevating the risk of coastguard services experiencing protracted downtime should a significant software issue occur.
The existing contract does not include resource for 24-hour support, service delivery management or regular product security patching required to meet the UK Government information assurance standards, the new contract will bring these elements into a managed service. The future operational need for continued use of C-Scope will be reviewed in May 2020.


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