
US Department of Defense announces environmental award winners

The US DOD has announced the winners of its annual environmental award recognising efforts to preserve the environment across defence forces.

The environmental award scheme has run since 1962 and recognises efforts made by civilians and personnel across the armed forces to protect human health, preserve resources, reduce contamination and pollution, and improve environmental practices in supply chains. The DOD selected nine winners from 32 nominees.

  • Natural Resources Conservation, Large Installation: Eglin Air Force Base, Florida
  • Environmental Quality, Industrial Installation: Wisconsin Army National Guard
  • Environmental Quality, Overseas Installation: Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan
  • Sustainability, Non-Industrial Installation: Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California
  • Sustainability, Individual/Team: East Campus Reclaimed Water Team, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Maryland
  • Environmental Restoration, Installation: Naval Base Ventura County, California
  • Cultural Resources Management, Small Installation: Washington Army National Guard
  • Cultural Resources Management, Individual/Team: Ms Rita McCarty, Mississippi Army National Guard
  • Environmental Excellence in Weapon System Acquisition, Small Program: Tagnite Technical Working Group, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

Ellen Lord, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, said: “Strong environmental programs increase training access, improve mission readiness, and provide the capabilities required to prevail in conflict and preserve peace, all of which support DOD’s lines of effort to accomplish National Defense Strategy objectives.”

The winning entries developed programs with goals including protecting endangered species, developing environmentally sound water cooling systems for computers, and providing renewable energy for a large air station. Other projects involved decontamination of methyl tertiary butyl ether groundwater plume, preservation of history, and reducing wildfires.

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