

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States


General Services Administration

Zip Code:

Jason M. Lichty, Savills Studley, Inc., Phone 972-739-2213, Fax 972-739-2216, Email – Kelly Winn, Phone 9727392206, Fax 972-739-2216, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:

GSA Public Buildings Service


General Services Administration (GSA) seeks to lease the following space in
Dallas, Texas

State: Texas
City: Dallas
Delineated Area: North: IH-635
East: Dallas North Tollway / McKinnon St / N. Pearl St / TX Hwy 366 / I-345
South: I-30 / N. Riverfront Blvd / Irving Blvd (TX Hwy 356)
West: MacArthur Blvd
Minimum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 211,283
Maximum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 211,283
Space Type: Office and related space
Parking Spaces (Total): 311 on-site surface parking and 365 on-site structured parking spaces
Parking Spaces (Surface): Spaces reserved for the visiting public outside the secured perimeter fence in accordance with local code.
Parking Spaces (Structured and Secured): 365 reserved and secured spaces either within a deck, or covered with canopy or other system that allows covered access into the building.
Parking Spaces (Secured):
In addition to the 311 spaces noted above, additional surface parking spaces within the perimeter fence may be required for other official government purposes up to the maximum required per local code. In the absence of local code, spaces shall be provided at a 3 spaces per 1000 RSF leased ratio.
Full Term: 20 Years
Firm Term: 15 Years
Option Term: N/A
Additional Requirements: The site shall have a 100 foot setback from building to all sidewalks, access streets, parking lots, adjoining streets; a fence surrounding the secured parking area and building meeting the Government specifications is required. For offered buildings with less than 100′ setback, mitigating security measures may be required on a case-by-case basis as evaluated by Agency security personnel.
7,764 ABOASF of the space is required for a vehicle maintenance facility. This can either be connected to the building, or standalone within the secured perimeter of the property. The clear height of the interior must be minimum 14′. This area must have a minimum of 7 bays, each with a roll-up door with a minimum 8′ width and 9′ height. In addition, 1 oversize bay with a roll-up door having minimum height of 14′ and 12′ width must be provided. Floor loading in this area must be sufficient to accommodate up to a 30,000 pound vehicle.
A loading dock with dock-high door and dock leveling package is required (this can also be accomplished with a pit).
A single tenant building is required.
Space on 25,000 to 40,000 foot floorplates is preferred, though a single story option will be considered on a site by site basis based on security assessments and potential methods of remediation considering for example, bollards and sight obstructions. The Government shall have the right to relocate exterior penetrations for security concerns.
Of the total space required, 944 ABOA SF is required for a VSF (Visitor Screening Facility) and shall be located at the perimeter security fence.
Of the total space required, a 975 ABOA SF Sally Port is required.
The Government shall have the right to mount roof antennas.
The Building in which the Premises are located shall be designed, built and maintained in good condition and in accordance with the Lease requirements. If not new or recent construction, the Building shall have undergone by occupancy, modernization, or adaptive reuse for office space with modern conveniences. The Building shall be compatible with its surroundings. Overall, the Building shall project a professional and aesthetically pleasing appearance including an attractive front and entrance way.
Building entrances/exits are not to be located within 1000 feet, line of sight, or the vicinity of a designated drug-free zone, school, church, day care center, airfields, gas stations or hospitals.
Residential and temporary lodging facilities such as: hotels, motels, budget hotels, long term accommodations, adjacencies to potential sites will be carefully reviewed with agency security guidelines and at the government’s discretion, these uses proximity to the proposed site may cause the site to be eliminated from consideration on a case by case scenario.
Risk/vulnerability assessment of the property will be on a case by case basis.

Offered space must meet Government requirements for fire safety, accessibility, seismic and sustainability standards per the terms of the Lease. A fully serviced lease is required. Offered space shall not be in the 100 or 500 year flood plain.

Expressions of Interest Due: April 29, 2019
Market Survey (Estimated): June, 2019
Offers Due (Estimated): August, 2019
Occupancy (Estimated): October 11, 2022

Expressions of interest must include the following information:
1. Building name and address and location of the available space
2. Rentable square feet available, and expected rental rate per rentable square foot, fully serviced
3. Floorplans showing the current configuration of the offered space
4. Site plan showing current configuration of the offered site including number of parking spaces available on-site
5. Date of space availability
6. Building ownership information, and authorization to represent building owner or documentation showing offeror has control or ability to control the site
7. Energy efficiency and renewable energy features existing within the building
8. List of building services provided
9. Narrative of planned improvements or redevelopment plan if current shell does not meet minimum advertised requirements
10. Building, space, and parking compliance with fire/life-safety and seismic requirements.
Send Expressions of Interest (RLP 6TX0695) to:
Submit Expressions of Interest to:
Jason Lichty
Savills Inc.
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 4800 East
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 972-739-2213

Kelly Winn
Savills Inc.
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 4800 East
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 972-739-2206


Response Date:

Sol Number:


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