
US Navy summit emphasises data security

A US Navy summit on Safety Management Systems (SMS) has focused on the need for data security and cooperation across departments.

The Naval Safety Center hosted the Safety Summit In Norfolk, Virginia earlier this month, pointing out the need for data security. At the summit, attendees discussed ongoing campaigns, safety in the workforce, and new policy.

The Department of the Navy and the Naval Safety Center are aiming to uphold the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral John M. Richardson’s ‘Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority Version 2.0.’ The strategy includes improving data-driven decision making to achieve readiness in military systems.

USFF Director for Fleet Safety and Occupational Health Captain Joseph Torian said: “The goal of the Safety Summit was to promote the sharing of information, networking, and collaboration amongst the safety professionals within the TYCOMs and the Naval Safety Center.”

“An abundance of great work and safety initiatives are being developed and implemented in the fleet and at the Naval Safety Center; conducting a Safety Summit was the most effective means to bring the safety professionals on one accord to analyze, discuss, and make recommendations on these initiatives. Events like the Safety Summit are important to the fleet because they allow the represented organizations to most effectively share information, enabling effective learning”

“Information, data, and lessons learned by one organization are shared with all organizations promoting efficient learning throughout the fleet.” 

Safety professionals conducted an open and frank discussion about a number of topics to include the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) safety campaign, safety workforce competencies, and policy updates. The final day of the summit allowed those interested in attending a predictive modelling summit at the Naval Safety Center led by Dr Kirk Horton, Director of the NAVSAFCEN Knowledge Management and Safety Promotions (KMSP) Directorate.

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